I have been on that routine 4 2 weeks thankyou also 4 taking the time too reply
bmi is not the same as BF.. whats your BF??
My mistake, I meant BF = 30%. Is BMI even used, still?
First of all, I would like to show my appreciation for what you are doing here. Being able to get this kind of personal advice on a diet is rare, and a welcome change to all the generic (and often contradicting) advice you find here and there on the internet. Such dedication is truly admirable. That said, I would love it if you'd be able to give me some feedback on mine:
I'm 35 years old, have been obese for a long time (BMI was 36%) but have made a radical lifestyle change about 8 months ago. Have since dropped 50lbs/23Kg, and BMI is now 30%. Still a long way to go, but I'm very determined. Started working about 4-5 times a week since three months or so, weight training, and every training day includes 30 mins of cardio excercise, burning up about 250kcal per cardio session.
When following the formula in the first post of this thread, I get the following results:
Height 6ft4 / 191cm
Weight = 286 lbs / 130 Kg
BMI = 30%
BMR = 2335 Kcal
BF = 39 Kg
LBM = 91 Kg
TDEE = 3620 Kcal
Below is a typical day in my diet:
(I've posted a screenshot since pasting an excel sheet doesn't work well for readability)
My main concern is my TDEE vs. total calorie intake. TDEE is 1744 more than what I eat, which is a considerable difference. Should I increase my calorie intake by about 1200 kcal? I'm pretty full after every meal, but I should be able to squeeze in a few eggs and the occasional sandwich here and there, if neccessary. So, comments are very appreciated!
1. i cant read your diet.. please take the time to type it out..
2. your starving yourself.. you'll only slow down your metabolism and rebound after the fact
3. i think i have the perfect diet for you
4. your gonna have to SLOWLY up your caloric intake to that diet...
5. that diet is my sample cutting diet in post 1.. its 3000 calories with low carbs and high fats.. good stuff if you do it right...
5. you said u do how much cardio??
I have been working out straight with only rest days for different workout regiments for exactly 1 year now with different diet plans and careers aswell. Until 1 month ago when i needed to take a extra day off to revise a different workout plan and then again on saturday that just past aswell. In that one year the only fast food or cheat meal I have had or anything for that matter that is not part of a body building diet would be 1 spring roll and a small bowl of chocolate chip ice cream. I havent drank for over 8 months aswell or smoked marijuana. I use to be about 25% bf so i dont want to go back ukno but now that i am at about 7 8 maybe even 6 and loosing strength I know somethin is wrong. Should I eat more carbs I dont usually crave them but lately no new meat recipes are coming to mind and anabolics are out of the question as I trade stocks and I need my mood to melow. but i do want to get my strength and my chest and sholders bak up I feel like i lost alot of size. And having a very serious mood disorder that i just got diagnosed for working out legs really stresses me out to think about O i have to do a leg day. I want upper body more then anything but my legs seem to grow like weeds. And being tired all the time really doesnt help.
You , are taking over for my pyhciatrist lol im joking man but thanks for all the help i dont want to do anything that is going to hinder me or my body i want to grow but i dont want to get fat i like staying hard.
12 days thats going to be difficult today it was a struggle to get into the gym but i did go my friends whom i live with said it would be better for my mental health to stay in a routine and just go so i did drank a huge cup of coffee and went. To be completely honest I felt great after i got through my 10min jog warm up I just took longer breaks in between sets and had great focus on eah muscle through each rep. I lifted same weight I usually do maybe a rep or 2 lower then my personal bests even and my pumps were good id say normal nothing extraordinary. got my 3 plates up for 1 rep on deads since my injury today was the second time i got that weight up.
I have not been rollerblading to work anymore this week have been biking and had to quit my second job for mental health issues so ive had alot more relazing and sleeping time so in say that i had to cut my calories back it was too much food to consume so im at somewhere between 3350-3700 depending on if i trained or not and pro carbs fat are about 400 100-150 100-150.
So how is my diet / how is my training. I will try to take your advice the only time i can do cardio is at my lunch break at work well now I guess I can do it after work because I only have one job. My training intensity is definitely not there though my heart probably stayed at about 130 during my whole workout with a few spikes but I did feel good I was focusing on each rep even with heavy weight going very slowly through each rep more then usual.
Can you also explain what CNS stands for and means
Here's my current diet typed out:
Meal 1:
33gr oatmeal 109/4/21/1
250gr lean cottage cheese 132/25/8/0
200ml fruit juice 90/1/20/0
drop the fruit juice add some eggs?
Meal 2:
33gr oatmeal 109/4/21/1
250gr lean cottage cheese 132/25/8/0
200ml fruit juice 90/1/20/0
again with the fruit juice.. up your protien here
Meal 3:
100gr Fillet of Chicken 178/33/1/5
100gr Broccoli 20/2/3/0
Meal 4:
1 egg, scrambled 111/7/1/9
50gr lean ham 58/10/1/2
100gr mixed vegetables 20/2/3/0
hams got that crappy fat in it.. omit for a leaner meat
Meal 5 (Pre-workout) :
200gr Fillet of Chicken 356/67/1/10
50gr Broccoli 10/1/2/0
75gr mixed vegetables 15/2/2/0
20gr cashew 116/4/6/8
ur about to workout, where are the carbs?
Meal 6 (Post-workout) :
Whey protein shake (30gr) 109/24/2/1
33gr oatmeal 109/4/21/1
2 kiwi's 48/0/12/0
Meal 7 :
100gr Fillet of Chicken 178/33/1/5
100gr Broccoli 20/2/3/0
if you can switch this to a lean beef do so, if u cant, add some cottage cheese
Total 1901/247/134/42
I do 30-40 mins of low-impact cardio (bad knee) on every training day, which is 4-5 times a week. I looked at the cutting diet from post #1 you mentioned, again. Would pollack be a good replacement for salmon?
It's hard for me to grasp the idea of having to eat more. All my life, I've been hearing 'diet = eating less', and that stigma is powerful and runs deep. I will increase my calorie intake. It's a pretty big increase; how much time would you suggest to incorporate it?
I have been on the Keto diet for 7 weeks now and lost 25 lbs, man I can't wait to bulk (Constipation sucks)
hey 3j Ill take your advice... but what should my heartbeat range be for low impact cardio 120-130 because for me to reach that i need to be running at 7.0 on the treadmill.
wow thats a tough cardio session that would mean id have to be on 8.0 on the treadmill thats tough man lol trying to kill me i got good cardio but wow
how old are u?