Hey 3J, I am so glad you are still active here and helping the members. You are contributing alot to the community! I have been meaning to post here for over a year but never gotten around to it until now and I guess I do it with style. I have macroed everything on my shopping list and listed it in Excell for easy modification and calculations!
Please give me your take on this mate.
Age 31
W: 79KG
H: 177cm
BF:16% (electric scale)
BMR 1800
TDEE: moderate – 2790 (strungling to classifie it as Active since my new exersise reqime, but you wanted data from the last few weeks so I keep it as moderate)
Goal: Be as slick, dry, fit, strong fast as Randy Couture

Something a down those line. I would like to go down to 12% BF yet keep my weight and strengt up. I am most un happy that I seem to have a gut belly. Maybey it is just in my head but it seems to gather there.
This is my rather new excersise reqime, my previus ones where sloppy.
Daily: double expresso cofffe, multi vit, glucosamine, omega 3, aciaberry capsules, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, 2-3L water, herbal teas, ZMA (cycle ZMA, Animal stack and creatine until I take my second juice cycle next January of test/deca/d-bol) My first cycle ended last May and was of pure test and I managed to keep most of the gains, and I feel I am recently starting to gain again, both form and weight.
Notes: veggies are added to most lunches and evening meals. Boiled carrots, beans, peas, green pepper (papricka), broccolly, caulflower. Sometimes I take a few days rest of them as they give sometimes me gas pains.
Either Saturday or Sunday are my cheat day, where I eat a frozen pizza, ice cream, sweets or something down that line.
Breakfast Protein Carbs Fat Calories
150gr Oatflakes 16.5 90 12 534
20gr Honey 0.06 16.48 0 132
Total 16.56 106.48 12 666
Lunch meal type #1 Protein Carbs Fat Calories
140gr Wholewheat penne 17.78 86.66 2.8 410.8
170gr Chargrilled Chicken breast 43.01 0.17 2.55 195.5
Parmeasan & Pesto Pasta Sauce 4.95 18.425 1.15 134.75
Guacemole dip 0.24 1.2 1.12 15.8
Total 65.98 106.455 7.62 756.85
Pre workout meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Protein shake 33.22 2.816 2.464 193
Large Banana 1 22.84 0.33 89
Blue berries 0.84 17.4 0.36 68.4
Total 35.06 43.056 3.154 350.4
14:30 Gym session
Immediate post excersise drink and amino acid Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Max Carb Hypertonic drink 0 64.61 0 258.3
Liquid Amino acid 45ml 15 11 0 104
Total 15 75.61 0 362.3
Post work out meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
240gr Potato Farls 7.44 86.16 3.36 405.6
250gr Cottage cheese 27 11.5 3.75 187.5
Total 34.44 97.66 7.11 593.1
Evening meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
NZ Lamb and Potato Wedges
330gr lamb steak 84.15 0 15.84 481.8
200gr Potato Wedges 4.2 52.4 5.6 276.8
Bearnaise sausce 0.27 1.92 10.47 102.9
Total 88.35 52.4 21.44 758.6
Pre Sleep meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
4 egg whites boild 24 0 0 96
2 Whole eggs 12 0 10 152
otal 36 10 248
Total daily: pro/carb/fat/cal - 291.39 / 481.661 / 61.324 / 3735.25
Training Chest
Dumbel flyes. 1rst set a drop sett then 2 regular sett of max weight (straight bench and then incline bench same routine)
Upward cable ties x3 setts
Single downward cable ties x3 setts
Standing cable ties, coming under the chest x3 setts
Incline press in machine x3 setts
Breakfast Protein Carbs Fat Calories
150gr Oatflakes 16.5 90 12 534
20gr Honey 0.06 16.48 0 132
Total 16.56 106.48 12 666
Lunch meal type #2 Protein Carbs Fat Calories
260gr Tuna chunks 62.5 0 2.1 265.2
250gr Wholegrain Rice 9.25 76.5 6.5 401.5
Total 71.75 76.5 8.6 666.7
Pre workout meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Protein shake 33.22 2.816 2.464 193
Large Banana 1 22.84 0.33 89
Blue berries 0.84 17.4 0.36 68.4
Total 35.06 43.056 3.154 350.4
14:30 Gym session
Immediate post excersise drink and amino acid Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Max Carb Hypertonic drink 0 64.61 0 258.3
Liquid Amino acid 45ml 15 11 0 104
Total 15 75.61 0 362.3
Post work out meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
240gr Potato Farls 7.44 86.16 3.36 405.6
250gr Cottage cheese 27 11.5 3.75 187.5
Total 34.44 97.66 7.11 593.1
Evening meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Organic British lean diced beef 69.8 1 4 320
Uncle Ben'sLight Sweet & Sour souce 1 29 0.25 130
150 gr Straight cut oven chips less fat 4.05 40.2 3.15 205.5
Total 74.85 70.2 7.4 655.5
Pre Sleep meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
4 egg whites boild 24 0 0 96
2 Whole eggs 12 0 10 152
Total 36 0 10 248
Total daily: pro/carb/fat/cal - 248.6 / 469.506 / 48.264 / 3542
Training Legs
Squats x3 setts of 8 reps
Forward leg dips, x3 setts of 12 reps
Leg press in machine, x3 setts of 12 legs, one leg at a time
Calf raises, x4 setts of 16
Leg curls in machine, x3 setts of 12
Breakfast Protein Carbs Fat Calories
150gr Oatflakes 16.5 90 12 534
20gr Honey 0.06 16.48 0 132
Total 16.56 106.48 12 666
Lunch meal typel #1 Protein Carbs Fat Calories
140gr Wholewheat penne 17.78 86.66 2.8 410.8
170gr Chargrilled Chicken breast 43.01 0.17 2.55 195.5
Parmeasan & Pesto Pasta Sauce 4.95 18.425 1.15 134.75
Guacemole dip 0.24 1.2 1.12 15.8
Total 65.98 106.455 7.62 756.85
Afternoon meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
240gr Potato Farls 7.44 86.16 3.36 405.6
250gr Cottage cheese 27 11.5 3.75 187.5
Total 34.44 97.66 7.11 593.1
Evening meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Beef burger 19.9 1.2 22.1 284
2x Wholemeal Pitta 6.5 28.1 0.9 147
15gr Salad dressing 0.2 1.8 1.5 21
20gr smoked cheese 4.14 0.02 4.8 60.24
Total 30.74 31.12 29.3 512.24
Pre Sleep meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
4 egg whites boild 24 0 0 96
2 Whole eggs 12 0 10 152
Total 36 0 10 248
Total daily: pro/carb/fat/cal - 183.72 / 341.715 / 58.92 / 2776.19
Breakfast Protein Carbs Fat Calories
150gr Oatflakes 16.5 90 12 534
20gr Honey 0.06 16.48 0 132
Total 16.56 106.48 12 666
Lunch meal type #2 Protein Carbs Fat Calories
260gr Tuna chunks 62.5 0 2.1 265.2
250gr Wholegrain Rice 9.25 76.5 6.5 401.5
Total 71.75 76.5 8.6 666.7
Pre workout meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Protein shake 33.22 2.816 2.464 193
Large Banana 1 22.84 0.33 89
Blue berries 0.84 17.4 0.36 68.4
Total 35.06 43.056 3.154 350.4
14:30 Gym session
Immediate post excersise drink and amino acid Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Max Carb Hypertonic drink 0 64.61 0 258.3
Liquid Amino acid 45ml 15 11 0 104
Total 15 75.61 0 362.3
Post work out meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
240gr Potato Farls 7.44 86.16 3.36 405.6
250gr Cottage cheese 27 11.5 3.75 187.5
Total 34.44 97.66 7.11 593.1
Ham & cheese samwitch Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Ham & cheese samwitch
x2 smoked ham (56gr) 11.76 1.064 1.68 66.416
x2 Brunswich ham (40gr) 8.48 0.24 3.12 62.96
35gr Light cheese 10.85 0.035 5.565 93.625
38gr Smoked cheese 7.866 0.038 9.12 114.456
180gr Wholemeal bread 18.9 67.86 6.84 408.6
Total 57.856 69.237 26.325 746.057
Pre workout Protein shake Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Protein shake 33.22 2.816 2.464 193
Football training – high intensity cardio
Immediate post excersise drink Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Max Carb Hypertonic drink 0 64.61 0 258.3
Pre Sleep meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
4 egg whites boild 24 0 0 96
2 Whole eggs 12 0 10 152
Total 36 0 10 248
Total daily: pro/carb/fat/cal 299.886 / 535.969 /69.653 / 4083.857
Training tricep and shoulders
Triceps push up from behind head, sitting up on bench, 1rst set a drop sett then 2 regular sett of max weight
Skull chrussers, (with bended bar) 1rst set a drop sett then 2 regular sett of max weight
Tricep pull down (alternate reverse pull downs and pull downs, with a bar)
Single arm reverse pull down
Dumbel shoulder press, sitting up on bench, 1rst set a drop sett then 2 regular sett of max weight
Straight arm cable pull ups, each shoulder at a time, x3 setts
Dumbel shoulder raise, x3 setts
Breakfast Protein Carbs Fat Calories
150gr Oatflakes 16.5 90 12 534
20gr Honey 0.06 16.48 0 132
Total 16.56 106.48 12 666
Lunch meal type #1 Protein Carbs Fat Calories
140gr Wholewheat penne 17.78 86.66 2.8 410.8
170gr Chargrilled Chicken breast 43.01 0.17 2.55 195.5
Parmeasan & Pesto Pasta Sauce 4.95 18.425 1.15 134.75
Guacemole dip 0.24 1.2 1.12 15.8
Total 65.98 106.455 7.62 756.85
Pre workout meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Protein shake 33.22 2.816 2.464 193
Large Banana 1 22.84 0.33 89
Blue berries 0.84 17.4 0.36 68.4
Total 35.06 43.056 3.154 350.4
14:30 Gym session
Immediate post excersise drink and amino acid Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Max Carb Hypertonic drink 0 64.61 0 258.3
Liquid Amino acid 45ml 15 11 0 104
Total 15 75.61 0 362.3
Post work out meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
240gr Potato Farls 7.44 86.16 3.36 405.6
250gr Cottage cheese 27 11.5 3.75 187.5
Total 34.44 97.66 7.11 593.1
Evening meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
Tuna steak 69.6 0 0 280
180gr Wholemeal bread toasted 18.9 67.86 6.84 408.6
Total 88.5 67.86 6.84 688.6
Pre Sleep meal Protein Carbs Fat Calories
4 egg whites boild 24 0 0 96
2 Whole eggs 12 0 10 152
Total 36 0 10 248
Total daily: pro/carb/fat/cal 291.54 / 497.121 / 46.724 / 3665.25
Training bicep and back
Bicep curls with straight bar, 1rst set a drop sett then 2 regular sett of max weight
Bicep curls with W - shaped bar, 1rst set a drop sett then 2 regular sett of max weight
Bicep curls with dumbels –standing, palms facing forward, 1rst set a drop sett then 2 regular sett of max weight
Bicep hammer curls , 1rst set a drop sett then 2 regular sett of max weight
Lateral pull down, x3 setts of 8
Reverse lat pull down, x3 setts of 8
Low row, x3 setts of 8