meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro
3 xl whole eggs 249/17.3/1.3/21.9
8 egg whites 137/0.4/1.9/28.8
1 cup oats 311/5.1/54.3/13
meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4
2 medium sweet potatos 230/0.4/53.5/4.1
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/6.8/0/0
meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz turkey breast 370/18.80/49
7oz yams 234/0.3/55.3/3.0
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0
meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz salmon 331/13.4/0/491
1 cup red kidney beans 330/14.9/36.9/14
pwo cal/fat/carb/pro
whey shake 258/2/0/0/60
2 cup blueberries 165/1/42/2.1
meal 5 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0
meal 6 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz london broil 347/14.1/0/51.7
1 whole avocado 277/25.4/14.8/3.5
Calories: 4140 Fat: 157 Carbs: 320 Protien: 379
I got this meal plan i just find its gonna be hard to eat the same thing everyday, not to mention eating like this is gonna be expensive
3 xl whole eggs 249/17.3/1.3/21.9
8 egg whites 137/0.4/1.9/28.8
1 cup oats 311/5.1/54.3/13
meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4
2 medium sweet potatos 230/0.4/53.5/4.1
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/6.8/0/0
meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz turkey breast 370/18.80/49
7oz yams 234/0.3/55.3/3.0
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0
meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz salmon 331/13.4/0/491
1 cup red kidney beans 330/14.9/36.9/14
pwo cal/fat/carb/pro
whey shake 258/2/0/0/60
2 cup blueberries 165/1/42/2.1
meal 5 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz chicken breast w/o skin 209/4.5/0/39.4
1 tablespoon olive oil 119/13.5/0/0
meal 6 cal/fat/carb/pro
8oz london broil 347/14.1/0/51.7
1 whole avocado 277/25.4/14.8/3.5
Calories: 4140 Fat: 157 Carbs: 320 Protien: 379
I got this meal plan i just find its gonna be hard to eat the same thing everyday, not to mention eating like this is gonna be expensive