Hey 3J !! Thanks for your contributions, and for giving us the chance to receive such beneficial advice from you !!!!
This is long overdue, but the year has been so overwhelmingly busy with school.
I'd love to sign up to be an actual client of yours, and I probably will in the months following, but hardly have the time or the funds (I'm now in a PHD program for History in NYC living on my own, the city is ridiculously expensive, and we PHD students are always broke, can barely afford rent and food on the little stipends we get, and most of our time goes to research and teaching).
THAT SAID, I figured I could still gain a lot from posting here and following your stats format, THANKS again

here it goesss
WEIGHT - 170 LBS, or 77KGs
HEIGHT - 5'5" (5 foot 4 n 3/4 inches, legally 5'5")
BODYFAT - 22 %
GOALS - main priority is to LEAN OUT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, I want to bring my body fat down to 10% ASAP, even if it takes 3 months of straight dieting without cheating, I'll do it!!! I've been FAT for the last 2 years, and it is uncomfortable. I feel horrible. On top of losing fat,
I still want to retain if not put on more muscle.
I guess this would be a cut / lean bulk?
Since May, by weight has stagnated at 170, but my lifts have gone up and I feel and look more muscular. I figured since muscle weighs more than fat, I've reduced my body fat.
I just want to lift weights and work out because it's great for increasing metabolism, and I just love being in the gym, draw a lot of positive energy from my friends in the gym!
So goal is to drop body fat (by at least 10-12%) and retain if not put on more muscle.
HERE are my stats following your format...
BW = 77.11 KG
BF = 16.96 KG
LBM = 60KG
BMR = 370 + (21.6 x 60)
BMR = 1666
TDEE (moderately active) -- 1666 x 1.55 = 2582
So my
TDEE is 2582.
What do you think I should do as for fats, and calorie breakup?
I trust your advice 100% and will follow what you tell me religiously!!
BUT, Nathan Chase of NTBM gave me advice last month, and I will also try to follow that, can you tell me what you think of it? Any agreements/disagreements/critiques please. I appreciate advice from BOTH of you, and will try my best to synthesize the both
I haven't had time to break it down so I haven't been following it (the only thing I've been doing is having about 250g of protein, keeping fats n carbs moderate)...
Nathan told me the following:
LBM (in lbs) X 18 = desired calories
so my lean body mass in LBS is 132.6 ... multiplied by 18 would give me ...
2386 calories.
He said I should stick to that number (2386 calories), having 50% protein, 20% carbs, and 30% fats.
I haven't had a chance to spell out a diet, but tonight or tomorrow I will do so.
WITH that number in mind, I just did the following math.
2386 calories
50% PROTEIN = 1193cals / 4 = 298G of P
20% CARBS = 477cals / 4 = 120G of C
30% FATS = 715cals / 9 = 80G of F
I want to stick to a standard diet, with numbers to follow ... what would you recommend? Is that a good setup? Should I increase or decrease my calories?
I'll be posting up a WORKOUT JOURNAL soon to show you what my workouts are (usually 4-6 exercises, I'm done in 45-55 minutes, and then sauna)
and as per what I've been eating, I've recorded my diet for a few days on my phone. So i'll type up a post right after this, and count my calories and all.
ALSO - if I cook chicken with olive oil, or I cook eggs with butter, should I factor those in? Sorry if you've answered these before, I'm going to look thru the pages in this thread.
Thanks again for looking at this, I'll be putting more posts shortly (logging what I've been eating, and then my workouts).
Hope to hear from you
OHH also - occasionally I've been doing light cardio (incline walking) for about 20 minutes in the morning after NTBM's GEAR pills.
once a week I go extreme SPRINTS at the track, but that leaves my entire body sore for like four days so I hate that. But 20-30 mins before sprints I have about 30 grams of protein (sometimes eggs, sometimes chicken).
I remember seeing Dorian Yates workout videos in which he said cardio after working out is bad for recovery but cardio during off days is great for recovery, I do a bit of both, sometimes after working out I do 10 minutes on the elliptical, sometimes I sit in the sauna, and about twice a week on an off day I'll do the elliptical for 20-30 mins.
Recovery takes insanely long for me as well, sometimes I'm sore for about 6 days, sometimes a week, usually 5 days of soreness before I hit the weights.
Workout split is Chest Tris, then whenever I'm not sore (4-5 days later), back bis, and then whenever i'm not sore, delts traps arms.
Workouts are brief, but I really try to feel my muscle tissue ripping open.