Free Diet Advice from 3J

I live in Australia so measurements are different but I will try to put the conversions in for you.

Age: 17
Weight: 80 kg / 176 lbs
Height: 188cm / 6"2
BF%: Rough estimate would be 12%-15%
Goals: To weigh between 85kg-90kg/187lbs-198lbs, Not sure about body fat, probably around 18% or so not too fused on the fat i gain just the muscle. Put on a fair bit of muscle then cut later.

BMR: 1688.5
TDEE: 2731

(these may be out a few digits, as not sure about bf% and etc.)

Meal Cals/Carbs/Fats/Protein

1: Oats Quick Sachets W/ 1/2 Cup Skim Milk x3, 1 cup of egg whites.

2: Wonder white whole meal bread slice x4, john west tuna can 95g, medium banana. 542/88/10/26

3: Subway 12" pizza sub.

4: Chicken breast 250g/8.8oz, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 cup mixed vegetables, ½ cup of long grain brown rice, ½ cup of long grain white rice. 696/63/18/66

PWO: ON serious Mass 1 scoop

5: Chicken breast 250g/8.8oz, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 cup mixed vegetables, ½ cup of long grain brown rice, ½ cup of long grain white rice. 696/63/18/66

6: Premium ground beef 250g/8.8oz, 100g pasta. 496/31/14/59

Totals: 4514/532/107/331

This is my diet for now, I just wrote it out today to see how it would look. Please outline if things need to be added/subtracted from the diet. Also take into consideration, I live in Australia so some things may not be available or etc. I also still attend school (8:30am to 2:30pm) so In some meals I can't cook. I also eat some fruits in between meals such as bananas and apples.

Some meals vary from time to time, like I may eat potatoes, throw in more pasta or not buy fast food.

I train 5 days a week mon-fri and train Bi's,Tri's/Legs/Shoulders/Back/Chest.

Thank you a lot :)

drop the weight gainer post workout for a 50g protein shake and two slices white bread.. i know its hard to get a bagel there..

and where are the damn veggies?? if i were you i would drop a carb source for some black beans or red kidney beans.. meal 5 looks like a good place to do it.. cut your rice in half and add 1 cup of beans
What the hell have i been missing!

First off 3j, i hope people realize the time you put into helping random people and before i get advice I want to thank you very much.

Any help would be appreciated man. I have a hard time losing weight, im built like a football linebacker. My carbs are kept very low as I see this as the only way for me to slowwwwly lose fat.

I would guess 14% BF
I just started my Test E, Primo and Anavar (var) cycle and i do cardio 4 days a week walking on an incline on a treadmill.

5:30am - 4 egg whites,2 whole eggs
1/2 cup dry oats

8:30am - Optimimum Shake (1 scoop)

12pm - 1 cup spinach
8 oz. ground turkey

3:30pm - Preworkout shake (1 scoop)

5pm - Post workout shake (2 scoops)

6:30pm - 11 oz tilapia
1 cup spinach

9-9:30pm - 4 humapro pills

Total - 1701/56/52/236 (Without humapro pills)

Sample diet, ill sub for the turkey with fish or chicken.

please repost this with your bmr/tdee.. you can find the formula in post 1
drop the weight gainer post workout for a 50g protein shake and two slices white bread.. i know its hard to get a bagel there..

and where are the damn veggies?? if i were you i would drop a carb source for some black beans or red kidney beans.. meal 5 looks like a good place to do it.. cut your rice in half and add 1 cup of beans

Thanks heaps 3J, I will buy some whey protein within next week and have some bread pwo. I shall also substitute some rice for beans thanks heaps :)
age- 21
height- 6ft
weight- 215
bf- 21%
bmr- 2039

did weight about 280 two years ago got all the way down to 180 around 17%bf about 8 months ago completely natty been lifting for those two years solid gains have started to slow down ALOT i know i need to cut some bf but due metabolism and poor genetics i dont ever see myself getting very lean i want to clean bulk up a little bit and this is the diet ive came up with
1.5 cup oats- 450 cals- 9g fat- 81 g carbs- 15g protein
2 eggs- 144 cals- 10g fat- .8g carbs- 12g protein
3 egg whites- 48 cals- .3 g fat- .6 g carbs- 10.8g protein
1 banana 105 cals- .4g fat- 27g carbs- 1.3g protein

total 747 cals- 19.7g fat- 109.4g carbs 39.1g protein

2 cans tuna- 200 cals- 2g fat- 0g carbs- 44g protein
1 cup spnach 7 cals- .1 fat- 1.1g carbs- 1g protein
1.5 cup brown rice 324 cals- 2.7g fat- 67.2 g carbs- 7.5g protein
2 tbs italtion dressing- 86 cals- 8.4g fat- 3g carbs- .2 g protein

total 617 cals- 13.2g fat- 72.4g carbs- 52.7g protein

meal 3 1-2 hours prior (pre-workout/pre-cardio)
1 cups oatmeal- 300 cals- 6g fat- 54g carbs- 10g protein
1 can tuna- 100 cals- 1g fat- 0 carbs- 20 g protein

30 min prior to weight trainging
1 scoop protein- 120 cals- 1 g fat- 3g carbs- 24g protein

total- 520 cals- 8g fat- 57g carbs 54g protein

meal 4
1 chicken breast- 284 cals- 6.2g fat- 0 carbs- 53.4g protein
1 sweet potato- 103 cals- .2g fat- 23.6g carbs- 2.3g protein
broccoli- 30 cals- .3 g fat- 5.8g carbs- 2.5g protein
.5cup brown rice- 108 cals- .9g fat- 22.4g carbs- 2.5 g protein

total- 525 cals- 7.6g fat- 51.8g carbs- 60.7g protein

meal 5

1.5 scoops protein- 180 cals- 1.5g fat- 4.5g carbs- 36g protein
16 oz milk- 204 cals- 4.8g fat- 24.4g carbs- 16.4g protein
2tbs natty pb- 190 cals- 16g fat- 6g carbs- 7g protein

total 574 cals- 22.3g fat- 34.9g carbs- 59.4 g protein

all together 2983 cals- 70.8g fat- 325.5g carbs- 265.9g protein
637.7cals- 1302cals- 1063.6 cals
20% 44% 36%
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bmr - 2011
tdee - 3,468

what the hell have i been missing!

First off 3j, i hope people realize the time you put into helping random people and before i get advice i want to thank you very much.

Any help would be appreciated man. I have a hard time losing weight, im built like a football linebacker. My carbs are kept very low as i see this as the only way for me to slowwwwly lose fat.

i would guess 14% bf
i just started my test e, primo and Anavar (var) cycle and i do cardio 4 days a week walking on an incline on a treadmill.

5:30am - 4 egg whites,2 whole eggs
1/2 cup dry oats

8:30am - optimimum shake (1 scoop)

12pm - 1 cup spinach
8 oz. Ground turkey

3:30pm - preworkout shake (1 scoop)

5pm - post workout shake (2 scoops)

6:30pm - 11 oz tilapia
1 cup spinach

9-9:30pm - 4 humapro pills

total - 1701/56/52/236 (without humapro pills)

sample diet, ill sub for the turkey with fish or chicken.
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age- 21
height- 6ft
weight- 215
bf- 21%
bmr- 2039

did weight about 280 two years ago got all the way down to 180 around 17%bf about 8 months ago completely natty been lifting for those two years solid gains have started to slow down ALOT i know i need to cut some bf but due metabolism and poor genetics i dont ever see myself getting very lean i want to clean bulk up a little bit and this is the diet ive came up with
1.5 cup oats- 450 cals- 9g fat- 81 g carbs- 15g protein
2 eggs- 144 cals- 10g fat- .8g carbs- 12g protein
3 egg whites- 48 cals- .3 g fat- .6 g carbs- 10.8g protein
1 banana 105 cals- .4g fat- 27g carbs- 1.3g protein

total 747 cals- 19.7g fat- 109.4g carbs 39.1g protein

2 cans tuna- 200 cals- 2g fat- 0g carbs- 44g protein
1 cup spnach 7 cals- .1 fat- 1.1g carbs- 1g protein
1.5 cup brown rice 324 cals- 2.7g fat- 67.2 g carbs- 7.5g protein
2 tbs italtion dressing- 86 cals- 8.4g fat- 3g carbs- .2 g protein

total 617 cals- 13.2g fat- 72.4g carbs- 52.7g protein

meal 3 1-2 hours prior (pre-workout/pre-cardio)
1 cups oatmeal- 300 cals- 6g fat- 54g carbs- 10g protein
1 can tuna- 100 cals- 1g fat- 0 carbs- 20 g protein

30 min prior to weight trainging
1 scoop protein- 120 cals- 1 g fat- 3g carbs- 24g protein

total- 520 cals- 8g fat- 57g carbs 54g protein

meal 4
1 chicken breast- 284 cals- 6.2g fat- 0 carbs- 53.4g protein
1 sweet potato- 103 cals- .2g fat- 23.6g carbs- 2.3g protein
broccoli- 30 cals- .3 g fat- 5.8g carbs- 2.5g protein
.5cup brown rice- 108 cals- .9g fat- 22.4g carbs- 2.5 g protein

total- 525 cals- 7.6g fat- 51.8g carbs- 60.7g protein

meal 5

1.5 scoops protein- 180 cals- 1.5g fat- 4.5g carbs- 36g protein
16 oz milk- 204 cals- 4.8g fat- 24.4g carbs- 16.4g protein
2tbs natty pb- 190 cals- 16g fat- 6g carbs- 7g protein

total 574 cals- 22.3g fat- 34.9g carbs- 59.4 g protein

eat real food.. drop the shake
all together 2983 cals- 70.8g fat- 325.5g carbs- 265.9g protein
637.7cals- 1302cals- 1063.6 cals
20% 44% 36%

add a meal 6.. either 2 cups cottage cheese.. 2 cups nonfat plain greek yogurt or ideally 6oz 93/7 or leaner ground beef, or london broil

that will give you the calories to get to about 3200 calories.. that should be your starting point
bmr - 2011
tdee - 3,468

bmr - 2011
tdee - 3,468

Originally Posted by g03ixxer6
what the hell have i been missing!

First off 3j, i hope people realize the time you put into helping random people and before i get advice i want to thank you very much.

Any help would be appreciated man. I have a hard time losing weight, im built like a football linebacker. My carbs are kept very low as i see this as the only way for me to slowwwwly lose fat.

i would guess 14% bf
i just started my test e, primo and Anavar (var) cycle and i do cardio 4 days a week walking on an incline on a treadmill.

5:30am - 4 egg whites,2 whole eggs
1/2 cup dry oats

8:30am - optimimum shake (1 scoop)

12pm - 1 cup spinach
8 oz. Ground turkey

3:30pm - preworkout shake (1 scoop)

5pm - post workout shake (2 scoops)

6:30pm - 11 oz tilapia
1 cup spinach

9-9:30pm - 4 humapro pills

total - 1701/56/52/236 (without humapro pills)

sample diet, ill sub for the turkey with fish or chicken.

so here is the issue my man.. your starving yourself.. your body has stalled due to it..

1. drop all your shakes but the post workout one.. eat real food
2. add 1/2 tablespoon olive oil to 3 salads that you will add to the diet.. and also add 3 tablespoons peanut butter..
3. make sure your whey shake is just that whey.. nothing more. (like a weight gainer)
4. the only carbs your having is in the morning.. drop them and replace with 2 whole eggs.. go full keto
add a meal 6.. either 2 cups cottage cheese.. 2 cups nonfat plain greek yogurt or ideally 6oz 93/7 or leaner ground beef, or london broil

that will give you the calories to get to about 3200 calories.. that should be your starting point

appreciate it 3j
damn....interesting. thanks bro ill try it out. when/if i re-feed on the weekend I should eat carbs then, correct?
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Hey 3J, I would massively appreciate a hand in checking this out! Cheers mate.

Age - 27
Height- 6'1"
Weight - 199lbs
BF - 20%
BMR - 1933
TDEE - 2996

A week in to a 12 week T3/Albuterol/Test C cutting cycle. Do fasted cardio everyday, train MMA 4 days a week and 2 day weights split focussing on heavy compound movements.

Goals: Looking to cut to 13% BF by Week 12.

My Diet


2/3 cups rolled oats
2 scoops protein powder
15g natty PB

P/F/C: 59/16/42 561cals


300g chicken breast
125g brown rice
75g baby spinach
1/2 tsp olive oil

P/F/C: 77/9/45 595cals


PB&J Sandwich on Spelt Bread

P/F/C: 16/11/24 274 cals

During Workout

40g malto
2 scoops whey

P/F/C: 48/0/40 398cals


300g chicken breast
125g broccoli
1/2 tsp olive oil
1tbsp 70% reduced fat sour cream

P/F/C: 74/10/2 403 cals

2 scoop casein powder

P/F/C: 40/1/3 180 cals

Total: 2411 cals, 313g protein, 47g fat, 155g carbs

What do you reckon?
Quick question 3j. What are your thoughts on waxymaize? I currently think that maltodextrin is far superior PWO. I've read that waxy maize is actually low GI and not useful PWO. Assuming one wants to drink high GI carbs and spike insulin PWO.

Your thoughts?
Im on test prop i gained 3-4 pounds at the end of week 3 and i woke up today and i weigh the same as i did before the losing weight

im eating egg whites, chicken and rice, tuna,whole wheat pasta, turkey cheese and some mayo on whole wheat bread, 2 protein shakes a day, and some casein before bed and sometimes ill have steak
3j I need your help! I need to get back into shape this summer.

Age: 25
Height: 6'1
Weight: 225
BF: 21%
Goals: I would like to lose a good 20-25lbs and drop maybe 6-8% BF, I like being right around the 200lb mark. I have lost 5lbs in the last 3 weeks with cutting some calories and doing insanity for cardiio, but I will be hitting the gym back up starting next week. I will still be doing insanity for cardio.

As of right now I have no set things to eat, I have just been eating less than 2300 calories a day for a few weeks. I eat lean cuisine meals for lunch usually, and my wife makes dinner usually with either ground turkey, ground chicken, chicken breast, or lean beef. I generally only eat 3 times a day with a couple snacks.

BMR: 2115.28
TDEE: 2908.51
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age 20
weight 219
height 5'10"
bf 19-21%
goals To cut down to 12%. For now in college I think that's much more sustainable than sub 10%. After this cut I'll be drinking on weekends so I want to have a bit of room for those cals. Also, I want to let my skin tighten up at 12% or so, I was 305lbs a little over a year ago :eyes:

TDEE I have actually been working on nailing this exact number for 3 weeks now, and it's very close to 3100 or 3200. My diet wasn't consistent other than going for 3000-3300 cals per day with at least 200g protein.

I wrote a meal plan of my own for this cut, writing it from memory at the moment (at the library, diet is on my desk at home) so I only know the total macros. I'd really appreciate some input!

Meal One
2 whole eggs
4 eggwhites
2 pc whole wheat toast - usually plain but sometimes spray butter

Meal Two - Preworkout - I know your post says whey only for post workout, but I've found that this meal is the perfect preworkout meal for me. It's got the calories/carbs I need for energy but is still lighter on my stomach.
2 servings oats
2 scoops whey

Meal Three - Postworkout
Two 92% lean beef patties
Two whole wheat buns
Two slices low-fat pepperjack cheese

Meal Four
8oz chicken breast
Mixed veggies

Meal Five
3 whole eggs
2 scoops whey

Total Macros - 2510 cals 280g protein/71g fat/187g carb

Also taking 3g fish oil and 1g taurine per day

In meal five I am trying to figure out what to replace the whey with. Any ideas? I suppose I could do more chicken. I tried making the food as easy as possible to prepare so that I can maintain this diet during hectic exam weeks or the days where I'm all over the place between class/friends house/gfs house etc.

I tore my LCL front squatting about 7 weeks ago (But i finished the rep and PRd at 295! haha), so for legs I can only directly hit hamstrings and calves. Been indirectly hitting quads a bit on deadlifts and resistance stair stepper.

Split is

This split might seem really strange, but I handle high volume really well and have been making some good progress. Usually can maintain full intensity in these 5 day cycles for 25-30 days before I take a 3-4 day break.
Help needed

Hey 3J, I need your help.

Age: 18
Weight: 175
Body Fat: 4%
Height: 185 cm

Breakfast 7 am
3 egg whites
3 whole eggs
3 spoons of white oats with 1 yogurt

Meal 2 9 am
250 grams of Turkey
2 white toast buns
1 apple

Meal 3 12 pm
2 cans of tuna
4 whole grain toast buns
1 apple

Meal 4, 3 pm
1 plate of white rice
1/2 boiled chiken

Meal 5 at 8 pm
post training protein shake
60 g of protein, 600 calories, 80 carbs

Meal 6
250 g of steak
1 plate of white rice

I'm trying to put on some lean mass. I'm already ripped and lean but not big. My bench press is 240 lbs and my lat pull down is 290 lbs. I workout with the heaviest dumbbells at the gym but I just stopped getting bigger. A little advice would be appreciated. Thanks
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advice on diet.

Hello 3J,

I heard you were the man to talk to about diet critique, so hope you can help me out with mine.

My stats are:

Age: 22
Weight:166.45 lb
Height: 5.9 feet
Bf: unknown
BMR: 1850
TDEE: 2867

My goal is to gain some lean muscle mass and cutting some fat. My goal is to be around 185 lb, leaned out. As I dont know what my bf is yet, I will have to figure out somewhere to have it measured, but for now:

My normal day consists of:

meal 1:
4 egg whites
2 whole eggs
1 Banana
150 grams of oats
450 grams of light milk 1.5%

Carbs: 193/ fat: 40/ Protein: 85

-- Workout for 1 hour, and 20-30 min cardio

meal 2:

Carbs: 35 / fat: 3/ Protein: 54

meal 3:
250 grams of chicken breast
250 grams of cooked Whole wheat spaghetti

Carbs: 66 / fat: 9 / Protein: 69

meal 4:
200 grams of Ground beef 95% lean
150 grams of boiled potatoes
250 grams of kidney beans

carbs: 88 / fat: 14 / Protein: 76

meal 5:
200 grams of chicken breast

Calories all in all:
Carbs: 382 grams / fat: 73 grams / Protein: 329 grams

I workout 4-5 times a week for 1-1.5 hour.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thank you 3J!

goals: 10%BF and put more mucle mass.I'm a beginner bodybuilder,so I just want to experiment everthing myself.


meal1 cal/fat/carb/pro
4 egg whites 68/0/0/14
1 whole egg 74/5/0/6
1 cup of oats 213/3/43/6

meal2 cal/fat/carb/pro
200g chicken breast 220/2/0/46
1 cup of brown rice 216/2/45/5
1 cup of veggies

meal3 cal/fat/carb/pro
200g chicken breast 220/2/0/46
1 cup of brown rice 216/2/45/5
1 cup of veggies

meal4 cal/fat/carb/pro
100g chicken breast 110/1/0/23
1/2 cup of oats 156/3/27/7
100g white potato 109/0/25/2
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/7/0/0

pwo cal/fat/carb/pro
whey shake 130/0/0/24
1 banana 105/0/27/1

meal5 cal/fat/carb/pro
4 egg whites 68/0/0/14
1 cup of white rice 242/0/53/4
1 cup of veggies

meal6 cal/fat/carb/pro
200g lean ground beef 274/10/0/42
1/2 tablespoon olive oil 60/7/0/0
1 cup of veggies

Calories: 2541 Fat: 44 Carbs: 265 Protien: 245

I know 3J you are busy,anyway,thank you!
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