frequency of tren acetate injections


New member
is there any advantage or disadvantage to pinning say 100 mg eod as opposed to 50 mg ed other than more or less pins to stick in your body weekly?
Less pins. I hate going less than ED though, feels like a roller coaster to me. I also hate pinning ace so...
I***8217;ve used multiple compounds and have done a lot of experimenting with short esters.
ed,eod,e3rdd even every 4th day and never noticed a difference till I got to e3d. I was stuck in the mind frame that ed was better and I swore I could tell a difference how I felt if I didn***8217;t pin ed. Then later on I was on cycle and I just went with eod and after some time I figured I***8217;d switch it up and try to maybe get better gains and went back to ed. Nothing changed at all! I eventually figured at least for me it was psychosomatic,I just made my believe that ed was better because I listened to everyone else***8217;s opinion. After experimenting with it myself I found eod was just fine.
EOD is better id say. less pinning throughout the week.

Didn't know you were a pussy bro :P
I noticed a big difference with ED vs EOD, ED had much less sides and less pronounced, specially sweating.

I call it tren withdrawal, sorta lika junkie waiting for his next fix but with tren....yes, never running that shit again lol.
I’ve been fortunate when it comes to tren sides, I don’t get them except when I run it high and I was pinning ed. Low test to higher tren ratio mades sides pretty much obsolete besides the cough, I found if I don’t pin where I have scar tissue I don’t get the cough at all.
Thats the thing, never tried running tren higher than test.
Sides has been pretty mild in expressing themselves, but i do get most of the ones associated with tren.
Just the lack of sleep is enough of a deal breaker for me.
Thats the thing, never tried running tren higher than test.
Sides has been pretty mild in expressing themselves, but i do get most of the ones associated with tren.
Just the lack of sleep is enough of a deal breaker for me.

I usually don’t sleep well as it is, although the last tren run there was two nights I woke up and had a hard time falling back asleep. I definitely say the tren was the issue. I take unisom to sleep every night it does help for the most part.
For my use, I had great results every day 3 or even twice(3-4) a week.

The biggest thing I noticed when going e3d is a difference in my alpha male feeling and a slight decrease in strength. But the strength thing may just have been in my head.
If concentration is standard 100mg/ml...
ED, because when you get to 75mg ED, you would be pinning 1.5ml EOD(150mg EOD).
That is a large spike in blood levels. Rather keep them level.
Some claim no difference however.
The biggest thing I noticed when going e3d is a difference in my alpha male feeling and a slight decrease in strength. But the strength thing may just have been in my head.

Its all in YOUR head...buddy boy, kiddo.. :laugh3:

Ok Anon.. hope all is good with you and yours... :wavey: you know i'm just making fun. Get to ya one day soon. :)

To the thread : only done Tren twice I liked to inject EOD. I did do E3D @ 100mg.
I found that @ the EOD I had an increase in my sides compared to E3D. I did get better it seemed with as far as lifting I liked it EOD better. But with so little experience I'm not sure my input says much. :dunno:

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it does need to be handled with extreme caution. Trenbolone might excel in gains but it also has some brutal side effects tagged to it.
EoD or E3D works great for me.
I am a busy person, less pinning is best for me. Not that i care about the pinning, but saves time to pin less :)

Love tren btw. ;)
I would love to be able to handle Tren better. But i gotta tell you that I really love Test and other compounds. My two favorite is Test and Winstrol but the use of Winstrol, was most of the time, preparing for competition just to be clear on that.

Getting up in age and not competing the Tren's sides are not fun.... In my life NOW if I have to ( take this with a grain of salt) But if the journey to get there is NOT FUN I do something else. So Mike can't do Tren and that's OK with me...


My last run with tren (im gonna blame tren) ruined my erections and made me a TRT patient.
I still need to run bloodworks, fix my diet, train properly again etc but I just cant get rock hard anymore, i can perform... But unless its very freaky and hot, i lose interest and get soft.

And this is coming from someone who got random boners, at least a few times per week, into my 30's lol.