frequency of tren acetate injections

Those 19-nors can do that. Give it time to clear and you should be alright.

Its been over a month since i stopped pct, and I low dosed clomid so it was 7week PCT. I'm past the the 3rd month mark since stopping injections, cause I stopped tren before masteron and prop.
Thought i should have recovered mostly by now? :(
Its been over a month since i stopped pct, and I low dosed clomid so it was 7week PCT. I'm past the the 3rd month mark since stopping injections, cause I stopped tren before masteron and prop.
Thought i should have recovered mostly by now? :(

Even with a PCT it takes months to fully recover. Be patient.
Even with a PCT it takes months to fully recover. Be patient.

First time it happens, I was fine last time with tren but i'm understanding more and more... 19-nors is playing Russian roulette for sure... It seems to essentially only be a matter of time before you'll get sides you wont enjoy, be it run #1 or #6, it'll come knocking :(
Thanks for calming me down a bit bro, i'll try to be patient :)
Shit, worst case, i'll have started next cycle before the issues is over, planned for 2 months anyhow. Yeh, i know, its very close but im gonna be past on/off/pct time and blood work will decide if im good to go.
Tren is war to me, ive known high school pals who joined the services and years later they where never the same again. same with tren, after repeated use, it turns you into something else. a Harder, less caring, womanizer in my experience.
I’ve been stock piling tren and I’m gonna add it about February or March. People that have issues with their willy not working aren’t keeping their estrogen in check nor do they take caber. Caber is essential on tren. It will make you be able to nut after nut
I love Tren when your body at diet are in tune and everything is firing. I prefer it every day at the lowest dose possible to get the big returns. Tren is hard on the kidneys. I always feel like I'm thirsty on tren.
Shit, is that what happened to me????

Nah negro, youre full of love my friend. who else around here is going to take the time to draw up graphs like you do and dole out good ol fashioned expert advice? I always look forward to your graphs man and hope i can learn to make them myself someday.
I***8217;ve been stock piling tren and I***8217;m gonna add it about February or March. People that have issues with their willy not working aren***8217;t keeping their estrogen in check nor do they take caber. Caber is essential on tren. It will make you be able to nut after nut

wait, so your saying i can bust a nut right after busting a nut? just like a chick? i might just try tren now, low dosed along and see how good this really feels.
wait, so your saying i can bust a nut right after busting a nut? just like a chick? i might just try tren now, low dosed along and see how good this really feels.

Not sure its a prerequiste... But... My first cycle i ran test/tren/masteron as well know by now... Also thought masteron acted as an AI (Didn't know difference between aromatization or not...)
Anyhow...... This caused me to get high estrogen (duh) which elevated my prolactin (duh), healthy or not... I would pay top dollar for a pill that achieves that I experienced for that month....

I could get hard thinking of granny porn, had random boners in public, I couldn't cum to save my life (literally had girls tell me "I cant take it anymore, I need a break".
Also managed to ejulate and continue pumping and swear to god, i got hard again and came again...

Fuck viagra, the above is the pill every man needs...well me at least... Because I cum very fast first 2 times...after that I'm superman...
(Suffer from this to my fellow bro? Google: Wicked Overtime Cream, HAVE TO WAIT 5-10 min before anything fun...otherwise girl could go numb in whole mouth lol...
If you on the run/travelling/at the club... Buy Pasante Infinity Delay condoms, only drawback is that the girth is bit small, so unless you average or under, it might not fit/be comfortable but they work lol...)
Not sure its a prerequiste... But... My first cycle i ran test/tren/masteron as well know by now... Also thought masteron acted as an AI (Didn't know difference between aromatization or not...)
Anyhow...... This caused me to get high estrogen (duh) which elevated my prolactin (duh), healthy or not... I would pay top dollar for a pill that achieves that I experienced for that month....

I could get hard thinking of granny porn, had random boners in public, I couldn't cum to save my life (literally had girls tell me "I cant take it anymore, I need a break".
Also managed to ejulate and continue pumping and swear to god, i got hard again and came again...

Fuck viagra, the above is the pill every man needs...well me at least... Because I cum very fast first 2 times...after that I'm superman...
(Suffer from this to my fellow bro? Google: Wicked Overtime Cream, HAVE TO WAIT 5-10 min before anything fun...otherwise girl could go numb in whole mouth lol...
If you on the run/travelling/at the club... Buy Pasante Infinity Delay condoms, only drawback is that the girth is bit small, so unless you average or under, it might not fit/be comfortable but they work lol...)

a random boner in public is better than a random boner in the gym showers with a bunch of guys around you.
Didn't know you were a pussy bro :P
I noticed a big difference with ED vs EOD, ED had much less sides and less pronounced, specially sweating.

who are you calling a pussy buddy? millions of men would rather pin EOD than every day, you yourself have done it in your past logged cycle when you did your one and only test tren cycle that almost drove you mad.
who are you calling a pussy buddy? millions of men would rather pin EOD than every day, you yourself have done it in your past logged cycle when you did your one and only test tren cycle that almost drove you mad.

So what you're telling me is that we have proof i'm not a pussy and millions of men would rather take the easy way out. Did i get that right ? ;)
I used to enjoy Tren when my bodys diet where dialed in but was always hard on my kidneys. and i always drank at least a gallon of water per day as it always made me thirsty.
To tren or not to tren, that is the question...
i actually got some tren for the first time in over a year and half, was pinning 50mg ED for a week or two, i couldn't handle it anymore. maybe it was placebo or maybe i'm just a bit more self aware as i get older, but i just felt fucking weird all the time. it seems the older i get the more in control i wanna be. maybe back then i was a lot more careless so a bit of tren craziness wouldn't make much of a difference. tren is off the table for me (for now lol)