Friends strange Test levels


New member
My gym buddy was on cycle from April 2015-December 2015. From December until January he did PCT using only clomid. He also took mk677 Nutrobal 25mg every morning for 30 days.

He started his cycle again and like an idiot got bloods done a day after the first test injection (250mg) instead of after pct.

His test came back at 1500. He is baffled and so am I as I was expecting low numbers. There's no way that one 250mg cyp injection got his test levels that high, and theres no way he recovered to those levels on clomid only after 8 months of cycling.

Hows this possible? He thinks mk677 got his levels that high but that makes no sense as it has no correlation on test levels.
Welcome! What are your friends stats? Did you do bloodwork anytime before you started anything?