From Average to Awesome(Or at least I hope so)

Training log update

Chest & Calves
Flat Bench (5x5-200lbs) to 5x5-205lbs(no prob)

Incline Bench DB (2x10 70lbs) to 1st x10- 75lbs(Good set), 2nd x9- 75lbs (tough set!)

Incline Flies ( 2x10-45lbs) to 2x10- 50lbs(1st set no problem. 2nd Nice pump & burn. Last rep tough but good.)

Standing Smith Rack Calf Raises (5x15- 110lbs) to 5x15- 120lbs (g2g, 4th set burned like a mofo)


Back & Shoulders

BB Military Press (5x5-140lbs) to 5x5- 145lbs(Not going to say it was easy, but performed 5 solid sets, all quality reps. I didn't think I was going to get the last rep on the last set, but I did.)

Side Laterals (1st x10-20lbs, 2nd x 7-25lbs, 3rd x 10- 20lbs) to 1st x10, 2nd x10, 3rd x9-all 20lbs

Back Extension Machine (5x10-205lbs) to 5x10- 210lbs(cake)

BB Shrugs (2x10-235lbs) to 1st x 10- 240lbs(too easy). 2nd x 10- 245lbs(too easy too)

Seated Cable Rows (2x10- 170lbs) to 1st x 10- 180lbs(good stuff), 2nd x 9- 180lbs(nice set, but tough ass last rep)

Front Cable Raise(2x10-20lbs) to 1st x 10- 25lbs(almost killed me, intense set), right side 2nd x 10- 25lbs(killer), left side 2nd x 5- 25lbs, then dropped to 20lbs for 5 more reps.(rough stuff)

Bent Over Laterals (1st x 10-20lbs, 2nd x 10-25lbs) to 2x10- 25lbs(last 2 reps a little better than last week)

well two days of rest and Friday I'll be back at it. Diet has been religious, but looks like I may have to do 5000 cals during cycle. I'm hitting a little over 4000 quality,whole food cals a day and the scale isn't moving. The new diet and training seems to be improving strength though, and I'll take it. I may see where my max bench is at on Friday, it's very early, but I'm anxious to see if I've made any gains.

My gear is estimated to be here in 10 days, but I figure I'm probably 4 weeks away from starting my cycle. Honestly though, if I make any significant natural gains over the next 4 weeks, I may hold off a little bit longer longer. Especially if I'm making nice gains without being able to perform squats and deads. Doubt I will make any decent gains, but only time will tell.
The diet and low volume training has been paying off. I haven't went for my max bench in a couple of months, and I have been unable to get 275lbs until yesterday. I threw it up easy, quick put on 10 more pounds and put 285 up, all me.

It will be very interesting to see how this training log changes when I start my cycle. I'm probably going to be hitting all kinds of plateaus over the next 4 weeks, so hopefully when I start my cycle there will be no stopping the increases.

Bis & Tris
close grip bench(190lbs) to 5x5-195lbs( wrists hurt a little, sets weren't easy but did all reps good)

standing BB Curls(100lbs) to 5x5- 105lbs(I failed on my first attempt to get the 5th rep on the 4th and 5th set, had to rest a few seconds and bust it out.)

weighted dips(2x14-bw) to 2x16- bw( slipping on the dip belt, but I'm doing these so slow,controlled, and really squeezing out at the top)

incline db curls (2x10-30lbs) to 1st x 10- 35lbs(arms about to explode), 2nd x 7-35lbs(rough, arms on fire, great pump, feeling like one of my best workouts ever.)

Skull Crushers (2x10-78lbs) to 2x10-83lbs(no pain down left arm, just a little pain in my rt elbow.)

Preacher Curls (1st x 12- 73lbs, 2nd x 9- 73) to 1st x 10- 78lbs(easy), 2nd x 7.5- 78lbs(arms are just done!)

I was planning on hitting calves and abs again, but I had to get home. I was physically able this week though.
No gear yet, but it's all good. I can't start anyway till my hamstring is better. It feels fine now, but my flexability with it is way down. I figure once I get the full range of motion with no pain I'll get back to working my lower body. I miss squats and deadlifts.

i was gonna yell at you thinking you meant no lower body training but didn't realize you didn't start your cycle yet. lol

Great idea on waiting. You wouldn't make half the gains you would with lower body work.

Good luck and hope the hammie gets better. Did the doc have any idea why it 'collapsed'?
Hey RJH,

All the Doc had to say was that I have lost the balance between a weight lifter and a runner, and I'm leaning more towards the weight lifting side now. I used to play basketball and run at least a few times a week, but since I've been trying to put on mass, I cut cardio down to once a week. My hamstrings can't hang right now. I'm working on my flexibility and after my cycle I'll work on getting that balance back.
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What's up Vul! Thanks man, I'm looking forward to your log in May. I'll hopefully be in post cycle therapy (pct) by then. Yea yea
Shout out to Smuckers! Your natural creamy peanut butter with honey is f'n tasty! I'm freakin stuffed right now. It's almost midnight and I just got done eating a steak and some oatmeal w/ my new bff, smuckers. lol Anyways, on to the training log update.

Chest & Calves

Flat Bench (5x5-205lbs) to 5x5-215lbs(I had to warp a week. This was no problem as expected.)

Incline Bench DB (1st x10- 75lbs, 2nd x9- 75lbs) to 1st x 10-80lbs(I really didn't think I had a chance at getting these 10 times, but it was actually pretty easy.) 2nd x 8-80lbs(Tough! Wanted to stop at 5, but really wanted to push myself to get 10. Obviously it didn't happen, but I was happy with my progress.

Incline Flies ( 2x10- 50lbs) to 1st x 10-55lbs(rough) 2nd x 8-55lbs(really rough!! I will probably stay at this weight next week.)

Standing Smith Rack Calf Raises (5x15- 120lbs) to 4x15-130lbs, 5th x 12-130lbs(legs were shaking! Calves were done!)

weigted incline crunches 5x10-20lbs(pretty cake)

So I felt great at the gym, no problems at all. Finished with some stretching as usual, everything felt fine. I get home and lift my right arm and my shoulder is f'n killing me. The first thing I think is, "mofo, I have back and shoulders tomorrow!" Then a voice in my head says, "maybe your body is just not meant for awesomeness." I squashed that mother fucker and said,"get swole or die tryin!!":chainsaw:

Tuesday -Back & Shoulders
Trying to decide to put today off a day or maybe just take the whole week off. I can't air military press without a lot of pain. I figure I must have f'd it up with the 80lbs db inclines, or who knows, maybe I'm just too old. I worked hardcore construction for about 8 years. Most of my joints are shit, plus I have already had minor back surgery. So even though I'm only 34, my joints are probably like a 60 year old. There's a few things I learned in construction though, and one of those things was how to work with pain. My shoulder will have an entire week to heal, so lets blow this mofo up!!:destroy:

*disclaimer* I am a trained idiot. Do not attempt this at home.

BB Military Press (5x5- 145lbs) to 5x5-150lbs(not that bad! I really didn't think I would have a chance at getting these. I just did some light warm up, 2 sets with just the bar, and 2 more sets with 95lbs. Threw on the 150lbs and rocked that shit out!!!:dj: Last rep on last set took about everything I had, but I completed all 5x5!

Side Laterals (1st x10, 2nd x10, 3rd x9-all 20lbs) to 3x10- 20lbs(after the military press the rest didn't hurt that bad.)

Back Extension Machine (5x10- 210lbs) to 5x10-220lbs(cake)

BB Shrugs (1st x 10- 240lbs, 2nd x 10- 245lbs to 1st x 10- 250lbs(too easy) 2nd x 10-260lbs(Still too easy)

Seated Cable Rows (1st x 10- 180lbs, 2nd x 9- 180lbs) to 1st x 10-190lbs(good 2 go! Surprised actually) 2nd x 8-190lbs(tough set)

Front Cable Raise(1st x 10- 25lbs, right side 2nd x 10- 25lbs, left side 2nd x 5- 25lbs, then dropped to 20lbs for 5 more reps.) to rt side 1st x 8-25lbs, left side 1st x 7-25lbs, both sides 2nd x 10-20lbs

Bent Over Laterals (2x10- 25lbs) to 2x10-20lbs, 3rd x 10-25lbs(not the best last two reps)

Now my shoulder has until next tuesday to gets it's shit together! The 5x5 must go on!!
I know I keep saying it, but the new diet and low volume training have been paying off. I have gained a pound or two in the last few weeks and strength is up quite a bit. It would be great to break 200lbs before I start my cycle, that is if my gear ever gets here. Technically, they still have some time, so i'm trying not to be concerned.
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I weighed in at 199.4 lbs this morning! I was pretty pleased to see that. I feel like I have caught a little attention at my gym with the extra size I have put on in the last few months. I've put on almost 18lbs total over a 4 month period. Can't say how much of that is on my waistline, but I have definitely added a couple inches to it. It's not quite the attention that I care to have, but I can only imagine what will happen when I start blowing up on my cycle. I work out at a great gym, but it's full of mostly average sized guys with a nice amount of fit beauties. We do have few beasts at my gym but not many.

I think my hamstring is about ready to go. I'm going to see how my stretching goes this week, and if all is well, I'll be getting back to work on my legs. My shoulder has has improved quite a bit from last Monday, but not as much as I was hoping for. I should be fine for chest on Monday.

On to Fridays training log.
Bi's & Tri's

Close grip bench(5x5-195lbs) to 5x5- 200lbs(seemed a bit easier than last week, maybe a bit less wrist pain.)

standing BB Curls(5x5- 105lbs) to 3x5- 110lbs(Tough but good reps, down real slow, no body swinging, nice tight squeeze at top,) 4th x 3- 110lbs(arms are done!!), 5th x 4- 110lbs(It will be interesting to see if I can improve on these reps for next week, cause I will be staying at this weight.)

weighted dips(2x16- bw) to 1st x 10- 90lbs(finally got me a dip belt!! I used to use my gyms until it got stolen, fuckers.) 2nd x 8- 90lbs(tough set)

incline db curls (1st x 10- 35lbs) to 1st x 10- 40lbs(These always feel really good! Arms are super pumped by now.) 2nd x 5- 40lbs-> dropset x2- 30lbs-->dropset x3- 20lbs(at this point, probably one of the sickest arm pumps I've ever had! Feeling big right now. The one minute rest in between sets is killing my reps on the second set towards the end of these workouts, but it is what it is. I really do like these workouts)

Skull Crushers (2x10-83lbs) to 2x10- 88lbs(pain was at a minimum)

Preacher Curls (1st x 10- 78lbs, 2nd x 7.5- 78lbs) to 1st x 10- 83lbs(felt good, no prob) 2nd x 5-83lbs---> dropset x 5- 58lbs(done!!)

Weighted Decline Crunch 5x10- 25lbs(g2g)
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No gear yet:nopity: Oh well, I think I may want to wait at least one more month anyways. On the bright, I am planning on hitting legs next week. Hamstring feels g2g, figured I'd give it one more week to be safe.

On to the training log

A quick diet update, everything still going strong. I have been sticking solid to the diet that I posted about a month ago, damn time flys. I do have one or two cheat meals per week. I weighed in at 201lbs last night, but that was with a full stomach. After this mornings business, I weighed in at 199.0lbs. Last night was the first time in about 6 years that I have been over 200lbs. 205lbs is the most I've ever weighed, but I think I'm a bit more muscular now than I was then. People usually guess my weight around 220lbs, which is pretty funny to me. I'm a little disappointed in the size of my waist, but as long as I dont outgrow my size 34's I'll keep with the mass game.

Chest & Abs

Flat Bench (5x5-215lbs) to 5x5- 220lbs(super solid sets, I go down real slow, no bounce, and a nice squeeze at the top. No prob)

Incline Bench DB (1st x 10-80lbs, 2nd x 8-80lbs) to 1st x 9- 85lbs(these felt really good), 2nd x 5-85lbs(tough! will probably stick with this weight next week and see if I can get more than five on the second set) A little side story, the incline benches were full, so I asked this dude if I could work in. He was doing incline db too and didn't seem too thrilled to let me work in. He was about the same size as me but he was using 65lbs db's. I grabbed up the 85lbs and rocked out the nine reps, so for his next set he confidently snatched up the 85lbs db's and sat down on the bench. I just did my usual pacing between sets acting like I wasn't paying any attention to this guy as he sat there with the 85's resting on each knee. He continued to just sit there, attempting to muster the strength to throw those babies up. Then he quickly got up and exchanged them for his 65's. haha just do you dude!! After that he left even though he originally told me he had 2 more sets left. Sorry bro:flipoffha

Incline Flies (1st x 10-55lbs, 2nd x 8-55lbs) stayed 1st x 9- 55lbs, 2 x 6- 55lbs(the 85lbs inclines killed me. Will stay here again next week):wallbash:

Weighted Incline Crunches (5x10-20lbs) to 3x10- 30lbs, 4th and 5th x 8-30lbs(will stay at this weight)

Tuesday -Back & Shoulders & Calves)

BB Military Press (5x5-150lbs) to 3 x 5- 155lbs(tough), 4th and 5th x 4-155lbs(really tough! Shoulder felt pretty good though, will be staying at this weight next week)

Side Laterals (3x10- 20lbs) to 1st x 10- 25lbs, 2nd and 3rd x 10-20lbs)

Back Extension Machine (5x10-220lbs) to 5x10-230lbs(cake. Going back to deadlifts next week!! yay!!)

BB Shrugs (1st x 10- 250lbs, 2nd x 10-260lbs) to 1st x 10-275lbs, 2nd x 10- 285lbs(last couple reps actually got a little tough)

Seated Cable Rows (1st x 10-190lbs, 2nd x 8-190lbs) to mistakenly 1st x 10-180lbs, 2nd x 8-190lbs

Front Cable Raise(rt side 1st x 8-25lbs, left side 1st x 7-25lbs, both sides 2nd x 10-20lbs) to rt side 1x10-25lbs, left side 1x8-25lbs(tough as usual), 2nd x 10-20lbs

Bent Over Laterals (2x10-20lbs, 3rd x 10-25lbs) to 2x10-25lbs(both sides)

Standing Smith Rack Calf Raises (4x15-130lbs, 5th x 12-130lbs) stayed the same

I'm pretty confident that next week I'll be able to perform all the reps I failed to get this week. :shoot:
(in Pauly D's voice) GEAR is HERE!!

It had actually been sitting at my post office for about a week and a half. Supposedly they left me a notice, but I never seen it. All is good though.

Ok, so I've been trying to figure out when I should start this cycle, and I am planning on my first pin going down on March 6th. I want to give my legs time to get back in the swing of things. I also want to get to my plateau in bench on this 5x5. In 4 weeks from now I'll be at 240lbs on bench, and I will be very surprised if I can get up to that 5x5.

With much dileberation, I am going back to a 4 day training week. If I could just do two days on, two days off I think that would be best for me, but with my schedule, it's just easier to keep my workout days the same. I can't see incorporating legs into my three day workout. I don't want to neglect any body parts, especially my legs. They need size more than the rest of my body.

On to the training log.

Friday Bi's, Tri's and Abs

Close grip bench(5x5- 200lbs) to 5x5- 205lbs(last rep of last two sets was tough. Wrist pain was minimal.)

Standing BB Curls(3x5- 110lbs, 4th x 3- 110lbs, 5th x 4- 110lbs) to 3x5- 110lbs, 4th x 4- 110lbs, 5th x 5- 110lbs(I think I may just up the weight 5lbs next week and see what happens. These were super tough though)

Weighted Dips(1st x 10- 90lbs, 2nd x 8- 90lbs) to 1x10- 90lbs, 2nd x 9- 90lbs

Incline DB Curls (1st x 10- 40lbs, 2nd x 5- 40lbs-> dropset x2- 30lbs-->dropset x3- 20lbs) to 1st x 10- 40lbs, 2nd x 5- 40lbs--> dropset x 4- 30lbs.

Skull Crushers (2x10- 88lbs) to 2x10- 93lbs

Preacher Curls (1st x 10- 83lbs, 2nd x 5-83lbs---> dropset x 5- 58lbs) to 1st x 10- 83lbs, 2nd x 5- 83lbs--> dropset x 5-68lbs

Weighted Decline Crunch (5x10- 25lbs) to 5x10-30lbs(g2g)
your pics look so much like me its scary. I'm 5-10 191. 37 yrs old. I'm a little more lean, but smaller framed (legs really) You seem to be a little stonger than me too plus I'm 5 weeks into cycle and ur still a bit stronger. Even the hair is like mine. I could easily tell people that was me and they'd believe it. Good thread looking forward to reading more.
Thanks fellas. So Mr.Vig, you walk around with a pant leg on your head too?!? That's crazy! Lol jk

No worries, the log will go on! I do have some cold feet about starting cycle though. I'm really worried that it may kick my hairloss back into gear. Mr.Vig do you have mpb like mine? If so have you had any increase in shedding during your cycle? What does your cycle look like? I figure with Test prop, if I start loosing more hair than usual I could just stop and start pct, but that would f'n suck.
To be honest with you man, i just had a transplant in September. Thus far I could not be more pleased with results. I just went for 4 month follow up and doc said all was going great. My hair was a bit thinner than yours but the recession was about the same. Now its gotten much fuller. In 7 more months i should see the full results. I'm stoked as hell about it. Ok did not mean to hijack ur thread. If ur considering it and have quetions ur welcome to pm me.
One word..... fuckin FRUSTRATED!!! Ok, one wasn't enough. I feel like I am doing all this work with my diet and training hard to get nothing but a bigger belly. I felt weaker today than last week and with all the chicken breasts, brown rice, yams, sweet potatos, eggs, oatmeal, peanut butter, and broccoli I stuff my face with everyday, that is unacceptable to me. My life just blows right now, and it's funny, I would think that I'm already on test now, minus weight and strength gains, because I have been roid raging a lot lately. lmao Whatever, fuck it here's my sorry ass training log update.

Monday Chest & Abs

Flat Bench (5x5- 220lbs) to 5x5- 225lbs(I'm not going to lie, the last rep of the last two sets was tough. I won't be surprised if I don't complete the 5x5 at 230lbs next week.)

Incline Bench DB (1st x 9- 85lbs, 2nd x 5-85lbs) to 1st x 10- 85lbs, 2nd x 6- 85lbs

Incline Flies (1st x 9- 55lbs, 2 x 6- 55lbs) to 1st x 9- 55lbs, 2nd x 7- 55lbs(last couple reps not the greatest form)

Standing Smith Rack Calf Raises (4x15-130lbs, 5th x 12-130lbs) to 5x15- 130lbs

Did extended ab workout - 4x20 hanging leg raises, 5x20 incline crunches, 5x20 cable crunches


Woke up with abs sore as....

Back & Shoulders

BB Military Press (3 x 5- 155lbs, 4th and 5th x 4-155lbs) to 2x5- 155lbs, 3rd x 4(this is what really started my frustration), 4th and 5th set x 4- 155lbs(just really pissed that I felt weaker than last week)

Side Laterals (1st x 10- 25lbs, 2nd and 3rd x 10-20lbs) to same but felt a bit weaker

Deadlifts(I wasn't really sure what weight I wanted to start out with these) 1st x 5- 235lbs, 2nd x 5- 255lbs, 3rd x 5- 275lbs, 4th and 5th x 5- 295lbs(I feel like this is a decent starting point. I could have easily done more weight but I didnt want to push it with the hamstring still questionable. Hamstring was good to go though)

BB Shrugs (1st x 10-275lbs, 2nd x 10- 285lbs) to 2x10- 295lbs

Seated Cable Rows (1st x 10-180lbs, 2nd x 8-190lbs) to 1x10- 190lbs, 2nd x 8- 190lbs

Front Cable Raise(rt side 1x10-25lbs, left side 1x8-25lbs, 2nd x 10-20lbs) stayed the same

Bent Over Laterals (2x10-25lbs) stayed the same

To Mr Vig, I'll hit you up when I get the PM ability. I am interested to know more. I'm a long way away from that though, financially and hopefully physically.
good log so far. our bodies are much alike other than im only 25, but i am very interested in seeing your big gains to come, get healthy and get huge :beertoast
Got a little bit of my swag(sorry couldn't think of a better word) back!!:basket:
I'll get to that later in the log though. On to the training looogggggg.

Friday Bi's, Tri's and Abs

Close grip bench(5x5- 205lbs) to 2x5- 210lbs, 3rd, 4th, ands 5th x 3- 210lbs.(guess I'll be staying there next week)

Standing BB Curls ( 3x5- 110lbs, 4th x 4- 110lbs, 5th x 5- 110lbs) to 2x5-115lbs, 3rd x 4- 115lbs, 4th x 5- 115lbs(great song came on), 5th x 4- 115lbs.(felt good overall, really didn't feel any heavier last week at 5lbs less)

Weighted Dips(1x10- 90lbs, 2nd x 9- 90lbs) to 1x10-95lbs, 2nd x 8- 95lbs

Incline DB Curls (1st x 10- 40lbs, 2nd x 5- 40lbs--> dropset x 4- 30lbs) to 1x10-40lbs, 2nd x 6-40lbs -->dropset x 4- 30lbs.(seem to being making progress little by little with a lot of the excercises. I can't be mad at that)

Skull Crushers (2x10- 93lbs) to 1x10- 98lbs, 2nd x 8- 98lbs.

Preacher Curls (1st x 10- 83lbs, 2nd x 5- 83lbs--> dropset x 5-68lbs) to 1x 10- 83lbs, 2nd x 6- 83lbs--> dropset x 3-78lbs

Weighted Decline Crunch (5x10-30lbs) to 5x10- 35lbs (no prob)

Saturday **Leg Day**

Squats 5x5 started with 2 warm ups(fyi, I start all of my 5x5's with a couple of warm ups. I just don't bother logging them.) Decided to start with 225lbs. This use to be practically a warm up for me. Completed the 5x5-225lbs(but it felt REALLY heavy. I felt a little bit like a biotch)

Leg Press(seated Hammer Strength)1x 10- 315lbs, 2nd x 10- 360lbs

Stiff Legged Deadlifts 1x10- 135lbs, 2nd x 10- 185lbs, 3rd x 10- 235lbs, 4th x 10- 235lbs(straight up almost killed me!! lol)

Leg Curls 1x10- 125lbs, 2nd x 8-125lbs

Seated Calve Raises 5x15- 90lbs

Ok, so Saturday morning I get up and of course my legs are HIT, but on top of that, I feel a cold or flu coming on. By Monday morning I'm hurting from head to toe and I don't know if it's the flu, or a sore throat and sore muscles, or a combination of both. Now Monday is chest day and nothing is going to keep me from hitting chest, so I decide to take 2 scoops of N-Zero(Have only taken 1 scoop prior to this), a scoop of M5, and when I got to the gym I popped 2 caffeine and CLA pills. Funny thing is, I didn't really feel shit, but I rocked out a nice gym session, and got some confidence back in my routine/diet.

Monday Chest, Calves, and Abs

Flat Bench (5x5- 225lbs) to 5x5- 230lbs(this was significantly easier than last weeks 225lbs. Made it even more difficult by going down super slow on the last rep of last two sets.)

Incline Bench DB (1st x 10- 85lbs, 2nd x 6- 85lbs) to 1x9- 85lbs, 2nd x 7- 85lbs(had high hopes going into these, but pretty much same as last week)

Incline Flies (1st x 9- 55lbs, 2nd x 7- 55lbs) to 1x10- 55lbs, 2nd x 8- 55lbs

Standing Smith Rack Calf Raises (5x15- 130lbs) to same

Weighted Decline Crunch 5x10- 35lbs

I still feel like shit, headache, sore throat, running nose, a little sore, but I have high hopes for tonights workout. I really want to complete the 5x5 Military Press. Don't worry I'll sanitize the equiptment. ; )

To thediesel, cool man thanks. Funny you would say healthy, yeah I would like that.
Nice lifts man.

Try to stay hydrated and full of calories if your pushing your CNS.

Extra sleep and naps help if you have luxury.

Keep on KTS!!!!
Thanks Kristofer. I am definitely keeping the calories rolling in. I probably should drink more water, but it's tough when I'm damn near full the whole day. I googled it and searched it in this forum to no avail, so I have to ask. What is KTS? My guess is keep tracking stats.

Nice quads btw, I'll be happy if I could get half of those one day.