Day 8
Weight- 205
4th uneventful Tets pin yesterday
1st HCG pin done 1 hour ago(thanks RUI! Fast ass service. I needed BW and insulin pins)
I definitely feel a difference libido wise. Funny story, this woman comes into my work on Saturday(Day6) looking for zinc. She is average, late 30's early 40's, nothing that I would normally think twice about, but she has a very low cut top on. This is the moment that any doubts I had about the Global Pharmaceuticals prop were smashed. A wave of sexual energy came over me, which was damn hard to control. It felt mutual though, as I positioned my body as close to her breasts as I could without having the cops called on me. lol I felt like I had Jenaveve Jolie or Jamie Eason next to me. My heart was racing like crazy, my body got hot, and the worse part, I got semi wood(not good with dress pants and loose underwear). It took me ten minutes to recover. lol I thought I was going to have blue balls. lmao (I didnt though)
Nothing really worth mentioning physically, but I have high hopes for todays chest workout.
On to the training log.
*Monday Chest, Calves, and Abs
Flat Bench (3x5- 240lbs, 4th x 4- 240lbs, 5th x 5- 240lbs) to 4 x 5- 245lbs, 5th x 4- 245lbs(I had help on the last rep of 4th set)
Incline Bench DB (1x8- 90lbs, 2nd x 6- 85lbs) to 1st x 5- 90lbs, 2nd x 8- 80lbs.(I think that the one rep max(300lbs) and 245lbs 5x5 must have kicked me ass.)
Incline Flies (1x10- 60lbs, 2nd x 6- 60lbs) to 1st x 8- 60lbs(shoulders f***8217;n killing me), 2nd x 10- 50lbs(much better on the shoulders)
Standing Smith Rack Calf Raises (5x15- 140lbs) to 1st x 15- 140lbs, 2nd ,3rd, and 4th x 12- 140lbs, 5th x 10- 140lbs.
Weighted Decline Crunch (5x10- 45lbs) same
*Back and Shoulders
BB Military Press (4x5- 165, 5th x 4- 165lbs) to 1st x 5- 170lbs, 2nd and 3rd x 4- 170lbs, 4th x 3- 170lbs, 5th x 5- 165lbs(will stay at 170lbs next workout)
Side Laterals (2x10-25lbs) to 2x10- 20lbs(25lbs weren***8217;t available. I just used much slower, stricter form.)
Deadlifts(Warm up x 10- 135lbs, warm up x 5- 235lbs, 5x5- 295lbs) to Warm up x 10- 135lbs, warm up x 5- 235lbs, 5x5- 300lbs(If anyones paying attention, yeah, I went with plan B)
BB Shrugs (2x10- 305lbs) Warm up 1 x 10- 225lbs, 2 x 10- 310lbs
Seated Cable Rows (1x10- 200lbs, 2nd x 8- 200lbs) to 1 x 10- 200lbs, 2nd x 6- 200lbs
Front Cable Raise (1x10- 25lbs, 2nd x 10- 20lbs) Decided to go with some advice an ology member gave me in the training forum, I***8217;m dropping these. He said I just don***8217;t need them, I hoping it lightens the load on my shoulders and I have less pain.)
Bent Over Laterals (2x10- 25lbs.) 2 x 12- 20 (25lbs still not available, damn wimps using them for curls. lol)
*Tri***8217;s and Bi***8217;s
Close Grip Bench (5x5- 220lbs) 3x5- 225lbs, 4th and 5th x 4- 225lbs
Standing Barbell Curls (1st and 2nd x 5- 120lbs, 3rd x 4- 120lbs, 4th x 4- 120lbs, 5th x 5- 115lbs) to 1x5- 120lbs, 2nd,3rd, and 4th x 4- 120lbs, 5th x 3- 120lbs(was kind of pissed after this set)
Weighted Dips(1st x 10-100lbs, 2nd x 8- 100lbs) to 1st x 10- 100lbs, 2nd x 7- 100lbs
Incline DB Curls (1x10- 40lbs, 2nd x 7(pump out of control)--->drop-set x 4- 30lbs) to 2x10- 40lbs( I really started feeling like I was getting stronger at this point in the workout)
Skull Crushers (1 x 10- 103lbs, 2nd x 8- 103lbs) to 2x10- 103lbs
Preacher Curls (1x10- 83lbs, 2nd x 8- 83lbs) to 1x10- 83lbs, 2nd x 7- 83lbs
Weighted Decline Crunch (5x10- 45lbs) didn***8217;t do these. trying to give my back a break
*Saturday **Leg Day**(ended up being Sunday)
Squats (warm up 2x10- 135lbs, 5x5- 235lbs) to warm up 2x10- 135lbs, 5x5-245lbs(mistakenly went up 10lbs instead of 5lbs, tough sets but I went really low with good form(I think)
Leg Press(seated Hammer Strength)(2x10- 400lbs) 2x10- 405lbs
Stiff Legged Deadlifts (1x10-135lbs, 2nd x 10- 245lbs, 3rd x 8- 245lbs) I will probably be permanently replacing these with something else. I really feel like these are something I have no business doing, so much strain on my lower back. I replaced them with something I***8217;ve always dreaded doing, lunges.
DB lunges 1st x 7- 50lbs, 2nd x 9- 50lbs
Leg Curls ( 2x10- 140lbs)
to 2 x10- 145lbs(Easy)
Seated Calve Raises (1x10- 120lbs, 2nd x 10- 140lbs, 3rd x 10- 140lbs, 4th x 8- 160lbs, 5th x 10- 160lbs) to 1x10- 130lbs, 2nd x 10- 150lbs, 3rd x 9- 170lbs, 4th x 9- 170lbs, 5th x 7- 170lbs
I did a couple of high rep sets to failure on the seated calf extension machine but what failed on me before my calves was me feet. They were on fire for some reason, really haven***8217;t felt that before.)