Fucked up acne Skin cause of roids

web_dj said:
I am going to try the B-5 but I hear alot of people say when they stop useing it they start to lose hair and thats not fuckin cool....

hmm...can any of the bros who use B5 comment on this?
Brock Landers said:
hmm...can any of the bros who use B5 comment on this?

Never heard THAT before. Doesn't really make any physiological sense, as far as I can tell.
I'll let you know what happens when I stop the B5.
web_dj said:
I am going to try the B-5 but I hear alot of people say when they stop useing it they start to lose hair and thats not fuckin cool

This is what I've been saying! I created a thread about potential side-effects and from what I have read from acne boards (I have read many) one of the side-effects is losing hair. Others are increased hunger, decreased libido, etc, but the main one is losing hair.

Supposedly it has something to do with picking up less fats (efa's) or possibly some interaction with biotin, though not sure.

But yes, losing hair is a main one many b5 users have reported.
Hey Mister said:
This is what I've been saying! I created a thread about potential side-effects and from what I have read from acne boards (I have read many) one of the side-effects is losing hair. Others are increased hunger, decreased libido, etc, but the main one is losing hair.

Supposedly it has something to do with picking up less fats (efa's) or possibly some interaction with biotin, though not sure.

But yes, losing hair is a main one many b5 users have reported.

But he was saying people begin to lose hair when they STOP the B5. Is this what the boards you've been on comment about, or do they give hair loss as a side of the B5 therapy itself?
buffdoc said:
But he was saying people begin to lose hair when they STOP the B5. Is this what the boards you've been on comment about, or do they give hair loss as a side of the B5 therapy itself?


Some people lose hair while on, some people lose after they get off. This is most definitely a side-effect. I'm not lying. Don't get me wrong not everyone will experience this, but some do.
yeah I have read a few threads on acne and hair boards about stopping the b-5,you begin to lose hair for some reason.I will check a couple of those post's again and find out the exact reason for this......
I read a bunch of posts on the acne website.I'm not as yet super impressed about the B-5 and hair loss thing.
If it is real, it appears that supplementing with flax or fish oils may ameliorate the hair loss problem.
buffdoc said:
I read a bunch of posts on the acne website.I'm not as yet super impressed about the B-5 and hair loss thing.
If it is real, it appears that supplementing with flax or fish oils may ameliorate the hair loss problem.

how does the flax/fish oils counteract whatever is causing the hair loss from the B5? (assuming it does cause some hair loss)
Well yes you're right BuffDoc.

SUPPOSEDLY b5 depletes efa's, so supplementing with some fish oil may help. The data is still fishy though. No pun intended. lol

This is actually weird because b5 is used in a lot of hair care products to regenerate hair growth.
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Acne solutions


Sounds like you've got a classic case of cystic acne. Large, lumpy, nasty, red mark/scar leaving type acne, yes. I've had this, typically to much Test is the cause, you are probably young, your Nat' Test is pretty high, you add more Test, bang you're in Puberty again, but with WAY more Test in your system, oily skin, sebum glands working overtime, they overload, and creates a nice large, red angry looking, well you get the point. Whatever you do, resit the urge to pop or lance them, as this spreads the bacteria under the skin, creating a new batch a few inches from the one you squezed.

If you want you can try all these over the counter remedies, some work better than others, go ahead. I tried most every thing years ago when I had a nasty case of this that would not go away, Retin-A, Alpha-hydroxy, I mean the full strength stuff from a Doc, as well as other items, DID NOT SOLVE THE PROBLEM, also over the counter Topical solutions are a complete waste of time.

Your case sounds quite severe, then go for the sure shot solution, Accutane (use the higher dose strength, I can't recall if it was 10 or 20mg), 8-10 weeks on this product and not only will it clear up all of your Acne, but will even cause the Red Spots, which no mater how tan you get seem to never go away, 'tane will even clear them up, oh yeah, this stuff works, yes and it is expensive. But, if you have good health insurance with a drug card, this will take care of that, or you can shop online, some out of Country prices are very low.

It works by causing the Sebum glands to dry up, shrinks them, almost a permanent change (in other words you can stay Acne free for years, still using whatever Anabolics, and you will not get Acne, for me it lasted 'bout 4-5 years, then broke out, tried oral Antibiotic for 8 months, nothing, then DEMANDED the Doc write another 'script for Accutane, 6-8 weeks later, skin was baby smooth.

Ok, some will caution that it can be hard on the Liver, yeah right, as if the Anadrol or D-bol you are using is easy on the Liver, here is the deal, switch to something mild or just come off, or you can do what I did, I was in the midst of a bulking program gearing up for a contest 12 months down the road, I stayed on Sust250 the whole time I did my first Accutane run, and it still cleared me up, I had been stacking Cyp & Sustanon (sust), low doses though, I dropped the Cyp, my Doc did blood test before and after the run, liver function A-OK.

Since that time, Doc's have re-thought the whole liver stress thing, and realize it is not that big a deal, many will now write script w/o blood work, but get this, the big concern now, Suicide. Yea, strange as it sounds some teenagers have committed Suicide while using Accutane, reason, it can lead to depression, of course so can Fina, Clomid, ECA, and a host of other things many peeps use.

Last time I used it a few years back I was being treated for depression, taking meds and all, when I asked the Doc (Dermatologist) to write the Accutane script he asked me about any history of depression, "Depression!" I said and kinda laughed. Anyway he wrote it, I took it, and was fine.

OK, this term paper is long enough. I think you get the point.
DBol hits me within 2-3 weeks, some people dont have problems with it. It seems clomid hits me too, seriously, anyone else affected by clomid? Test makes me sweat a bit but nothing really bad.
Im usually light skinned but when I juice i notice my skin does get dry and I look older and seems darker. Very weird. I dont have that healthy glow. but Im big as a mofo thou.
Make sure your drinking enough water, it may be paranoid but that can be a sign of the liver releasing toxins in the body that its not filtering, because its being loaded down.

I'm not sure this is the case, it could be something you are taking that is making your skin more sensative to the sun, or maybe that you feel good about how you look and just spending more time outside - or was it even during the summer months? eh...
Grey WTR hit the nail on the head. Accutane is it. If you have acne vulgaris then B5, and all the others will not do much if anything. Try them and if you have mild acne then they may work and work well, but, if you have severe acne then accutane is the one and only.

BTW- I took 80mg of accutane ED, with 100mg of tren ED, and 500mg of TE.
Trenimator76 said:
Im usually light skinned but when I juice i notice my skin does get dry and I look older and seems darker. Very weird. I dont have that healthy glow. but Im big as a mofo thou.

skin returns to normal when off the juice?
I get it whenI come off too when I came of a deca cycle a month later I had them all over my back and shoulders