Funky jan cycle


New member
weeks 1-10 enanthate 1gram/week
weeks minus 2-10 deca 500/week (minus 2 thru 2)then 400
weeks minus 2-12 hcg 100 iu ed
weeks 1-6 anavar 100mg ed
weeks 7-12winstrol 50 ed(oral)
weeks 11,12 prop 100 ed
weeks 11,12 adex .25 eod
weeks 13,14 aromasin 10 ed
weeks 13,14,15,16 nolva 40/20/20/20

There it is. Lean bulker. Start jan 1
I may throw some slin in there PWO.
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What are your cycle history and your stats? thats one very complicated and strange cycle, i dont like it at all.

If its you in your avatar, then looking at your arms, I can tell you should not even be cycling, you are not close to be ready. Or at least not this cycle for sure.

- what makes you think u need 1gr of test/week ?! its way overdosed IMO except if you are interested in getting more side effects for the same gains
- whats your reason to use both adex and aromasin and not just one of the two?
- why would you use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in weeks 11-14 only ?! and not during the cycle ? gyno WILL happen with 1.5gr of aromatisable steroids/week
- 12 weeks of oral is very harsh for your liver.. i wouldnt take any orals at all with what you are already taking its useless, or maybe just one for the last 4 weeks if you really have to
- do you even know how to use slin ? its VERY dangerous and can mess you up seriously, i hope you know what you're doing but IMO its not worth the gains except you're some pro bber (and when i look at your avatar, i guess not).
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Thanks for the reply g- I'll try to answer your questions.
But first-your right . Thanks. I will run adex and dostinex on cycle. .25 each 2 x weekly.
And I'm sorry if my weakest feature did not impress you (arms) I can only do 140 lbs on skull krushers, oh well. Anyway, ive gone 700mg with test without hitting the sides ceiling, so I figure i'd move into the 1 gram club to see how I tolerate it. I also failed to inform you that I get bloodwork every 90 days, and that I tolerate orals well(except 'drol-only 50 mg threw me way off). As for the aromasin during post cycle therapy (pct)-it works better with nolvadex than A-dex does. Its there to prevent estrogen rebound. After running post cycle therapy (pct) with and without aromasin, I can say it makes a huge diference.But thanks again for the heads up on the aromatising issue. Maybe I'll put a 4 week break between the var and the Winstrol (winny). I just planned on a lot of cardio during the cycle.
Stats 37yo,5'8", 200lbs, 13%bf. 23 yrs training. 8 cycles(that I can remember)
i think you'll blow up like a balloon with a gram a week of enanthate. even the badass powerlifters and hardcore guys in here don't do a gram a week....750 max
Hey bro thanks for the pics and the answer
Im happy to see you know what u're doing, and your pics actually look good

I hope you keep posting regular updates here when you start the cycle
Thanks for the respect guys. I just realised I'm new here, and I could be some pimply -faced fat kid who thinks juice will get him laid....LOL. Anyway, the chest pics are on-cycle(500cyp/400deca) at week 7, 209 lbs. The bottom pic, and the lat spread are just post pct, at 200lbs. I'm currently 197, dieting and being a little lazy to spare joints for next cycle. Running alflutop.
funky you're at least at 16% BF your scale have no precision.
But... but, with the compounds you run it's OK.

your cycle seem a lil complicated. testo-synthetic_H-DHT... you don't need that mush.

Good continuation!
Well, I started. To give myself room for a short ester cycle this summer.
Day 3, and I can feel the 'var. I get no pump nomatter what I do. Nor do I get winded. Should realy feel it in a week. Taking milk thisle and lots of water.