Future 1st cycle any tips?


Rookie First Class
Hello everyone . I've been lurking this board as well as others for some time now digesting information and building my cycle piece by piece until I was satisfied. I feel pretty confident with it but can use tips from the seasoned vets on it. Maybe some stuff I need, don't need , dosage etc etc. anyways enough chit chat this is what it's looking like and I probably won't start for another month or two:
1-4 (weeks) dbol 40mg ed(kick start)
1-14 test cyp 600mg pw (300mg/ml vials)
1-16 liquid stane 12.5mg ed
3-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu pw
14-18 forma 5 pumps bid
14-18 forged 2 caps bid
16-20 liquid clomi 35mg ed
16-20 liquid tamox 20mg ed
16-20 power chews dtest 4 tabs ed
18-20 forma 3 pumps bid
And will keep liquid prami on hand .

Btw I'm 5'11 at a lean 180.
Thanks for the tips bro. Formastanzol is an anabolic Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Forged is a combo of "test booster and an estrogen modulator" power chews are for natural test boost and liquid prami is for in case of prolactin gyno which I probably won't get during this cycle. I will probably cut those extras out.
Thanks for the tip. I was originally going to run this cycle with deca as well but decided to be patient and save that for another cycle.
Excuse me? I seriously doubt u believe anybody would take someone with 2 posts seriously so I will take your comment as trolling.

People like you need to spend more time in the gym and less time on the computer!

Says the person typing in the thread, your probably typing this at the gym on your phone which is even worse... Your comments are unfounded and have zero constructive value to this thread the OP is looking for advice on his cycle and if you have nothing to add why even type. Seems like your trying to grow your e-peen but what you don't realize is no one gives 2 shits about the size of your e-peen around here.

Unless your negative feedback has something to be based off of then STFU because people looking for help or advice don't need your immature and ignorant ass.

To the OP
As far as the cycle goes I personally think your over killing it with all the supps. I would just keep it simple.
1-4 (weeks) dbol 40mg ed(kick start)
1-14 test cyp 600mg pw (300mg/ml vials)
1-16 liquid stane 12.5mg ed
then your post cycle therapy (pct) with the nolva clomid
Just as zeedubz stated
Thanks for the advice Kazmir, I will follow that. I guess in regards to those extra supplements I was going to integrate into my cycle , I was using more of the "better to be safe than sorry" approach rather then just being logical about it.