Gas Chromatography and mg test for Methandrostenolone


New member
Hey guys, I'm getting to run a Gas Chromatography on some dbol I got to make sure its legit, has anyone done this? And if so do you still have a copy of the IR for reference? Also, what kind of test do I run to find the amount of mg's present in my pill?
Just curious why are u doing this supplier? Have you taken dbol before? Have u taken anything before? How old are you? If this is your first cycle, hold on to the dbol for a later cycle and I'd go with test only at 500mg/wk 12 wks.
If this is not your first go round, you should be able to tell really quickly about if its legit or not by melting point test (163-167C). Then to test if its dosed properly, I would try the seat of the pants test by taking it... dbol is going to give you gains really quickly if eating properly you will be putting on some serious water weight.
Keep us posted
new supplier, yes iv taken AAS before, and have taken dbol. I'm starting a cycle of test cyp 500mg per week for 12 weeks with dbol for weeks 1-4. This new supplier says he has 3 new ugl and, being a sceptic with access to the equipment, I figured I'd test it before it went into my body. I have a control IR for dbol but didn't know if anyone else had done this. The mg test question was bc iv heard of labs not using the mg they say.
If its real...the mg is most likely lower but not by a ton....which is the main reason make my own stuff. Keep us posted on how the compare goes to the base IR. I have no idea how to find out how many mg in each pill is filler and how many is product...seems like a lot of trouble but I'm sure it can be done.
You can ask for an essay of the product from the company your dealing with
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