GD Baby Baby


New member
hello to everyone on this board!

im new here and just wanted to say hello for now.

im 21 years old, 1,74 m tall (around 5 '' 8 ') and about 200-202 lbs. i've been training now for 3 1/2 years all naturally.

I will participate here since this board seems to have a lot of potential to me concerning knowledge about steroids which i plan to take soon.

greetings to all

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lol dont belive you about the natural part, but if im actually wrong, props to u
Please do not doubt information i share with you. It is not my intention to get compliments here. :beertoast
Actually im planning to take epistane in a couple of month which will be my first experience with steroids.

My aim was to compete on a natural competition here but since we have great natural bodybuilders here, there would be no chance for me to place first.
And dieting to like 6 % bodyfat is insane when done naturally. I'm not willed to lose so much of my size in a diet.

So far!

But by now i see that i am pretty close to my natural limit and i do hardly get any bigger without getting fatter.

I will add 2 pictures with 6-7 months of difference. Both have been taken after the workout - this is obviously why i look so "big" on them.

Without pump i still feel skinny :insane:
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As you can see, there is nearly no improvement though i worked my ass off in order to get better results. Strength hasn't increased so far too. Just like 5 Kg more on the bench, squat and so on was pretty much the same.

I will add a picture with semi-pump - it is taken 1 hour after workout. I don't really have pictures with no pump. Maybe i will find one.
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well good!
tell me why did you paint your neck also, on the first pict?
Are some member here on board who can help me with epistane? I mean pretty much advanced information about it.

I'm new here and the posting rate seems to be slow though there are 500 members and more online.
I would say if your going otc, run epi for 4 weeks at either 20/30/30/40 or 20/30/40/50 and 1-t tren at 5 pumps a day for 6 weeks. Then post cycle therapy (pct). That should be a good stack for someone your size that's a beginner with the PHs.

Are some member here on board who can help me with epistane? I mean pretty much advanced information about it.

I honestly wouldn't bother with the Epistane at this point. We have an AMAZING board sponsor with some AMAZING products that I would give a shot if you plan on going the legal route. Here's the link, if you couldn't find the banner on the right... Primordial Performance

You could do a six week cycle of 1-T Tren, with Sustain Alpha for post cycle therapy (pct) and it won't cost you much more than $200. It's a really good route to go if you want to remain a law abiding citizen. I've used it and liked it a lot, you should check it out for sure.

And if you're interested in Epsitane, there is a thread going on about it that should provide some good information about the product... Here it is...
I honestly wouldn't bother with the Epistane at this point. We have an AMAZING board sponsor with some AMAZING products that I would give a shot if you plan on going the legal route. Here's the link, if you couldn't find the banner on the right... Primordial Performance

You could do a six week cycle of 1-T Tren, with Sustain Alpha for PCT and it won't cost you much more than $200. It's a really good route to go if you want to remain a law abiding citizen. I've used it and liked it a lot, you should check it out for sure.

And if you're interested in Epsitane, there is a thread going on about it that should provide some good information about the product... Here it is...

Thanks for the information but every prohormone and every steroid - no matter of what kind - is forbidden by law in my country. That is why i am writing here and sharing pictures with you guys.

I have already read a lot about Epistane and it really got my interest. There are several points that convinced me of it. But i'm a little bit shocked of what i have seen so far.
Many many guys are taking it though they don't have a lot of muscle mass and could easily build up more on the natural way.
And pretty small gains and effects are celebrated as a huge success.
I like to know everything about a steroid before i would take it. I will keep on collecting information and reading logs.
Nice to see someone put the time and work in before they talk about taking steroids. I would not assume you have reached your natural potential at only 21. Have you tried changing your routine and diet? What country are PH's illegal? That's ridiculous, although the USA will be at that point soon enough I suppose. Epistane is so cheap, you should try it. I stacked it with the 1-T Tren for Primordial Performance (PP). I was very impressed, and I have done Test and Dianabol before. You will definitely feel and see changes quickly. PP and IBE both have the various dosing protocols on their website. PP is fast, reliable, great customer service, and top notch quality (I sound like I work for them eh?, but I only wish!). Try the code: SPONSOR10 for a 10% discount for PP.
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Nice to see someone put the time and work in before they talk about taking steroids. I would not assume you have reached your natural potential at only 21. Have you tried changing your routine and diet? What country are PH's illegal? That's ridiculous, although the USA will be at that point soon enough I suppose. Epistane is so cheap, you should try it. I stacked it with the 1-T Tren for Primordial Performance (PP). I was very impressed, and I have done Test and Dianabol before. You will definitely feel and see changes quickly. PP and IBE both have the various dosing protocols on their website. PP is fast, reliable, great customer service, and top notch quality (I sound like I work for them eh?, but I only wish!). Try the code: SPONSOR10 for a 10% discount for PP.

I'm also sure that i have not yet reached my natural potential so far but changes are being made very very slow by now. As you can see on the picture with 6-7 month difference above.
I'm not going to stack Epistane with another oral steroid since it is my first experience with steroids and i am very concerned about my liver and health in general.
I just plan do to 2 or 3 mild steroid cycles to put on some more lean muscle mass and keep on training naturally afterwards.
My aim is to maintain the greatpart of what i will put on and then stich to natural training. Health is very important to me and I don't want to take steroids on the long run.

Do you guys here know a lot about bloodtests (GOT, GPT, LDH, CK and so on)?

I will go for checks then. :)
sadly PH are banned in canada. i was still able to get epistane, but not 1-t tren.

As far as i know, Epistane is a real steroid and not a prohormon.
Furthermore, it's a designer steroid that has only been created with the purpose of building muscle mass for bodybuilder and weight lifters.
I've made some pictures without any pump of my chest. I hold some water and fat behind my nipples which will hopefully pass when doing my first cycle with Epistane.

2 pics with "errected" nippels and 1 pic with one nipple "errected" and the other one the common way.
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That looks like gyno. If you have gyno naturally like I did from puberty, you will likely have issues with most steroids, but probably not Epistane.
That looks like gyno. If you have gyno naturally like I did from puberty, you will likely have issues with most steroids, but probably not Epistane.

I'm not sure whether it is just fat and water or if it is a kind of gyno from puberty. That is also one reason for me to take epistane. I will hopefully get rid of it.
Some people who took Epistane reported about a great reducement of gyno.
Others did get gyno when using Epistane - though most sellers claim that this could not be possible.

Nice base dude - you have clearly worked hard to get there - grats - Great definition in your chest and nice size on your traps! Don't know much about PH's but others do - good luck -