Gear at 50


New member
Help needed

Last year I started HRT and was taking Test Cyp (150 cc every 5 day), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (two inj. wk), and Anastrozol (1mg tabs 3 times wk). During this regiment I did build muscle, lean up, and felt "great" (wife enjoyed it also) however I also had back acne (at 49 not good), tender nips, and some fluid in lower legs. Now at 50 year going to do it again starting this week and would like some advice more for the muscle building than just the HRT/test level increase, although that is big part of it. I work out 5 days a week on weights and cardio and consider myself in pretty good shape, yes, even for 50. I did just have my blood work done and here are my current numbers.

50 years 6' 235
Free Test 9.6 (low end)
Estradiol 28.6 (mid)
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) 6.9 (low end)
Sex Horm Binding Glob Serum 28.1 (low end)
Testosterone Free+Total (LC/MS) 315 (low)

I have the same meds as I did the last time to work with. Test Cyp, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), Anastrozol.

What would be the best cycle for me?

Any help will be much appreciated.

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What is your specific question? Do you want to know how to work out? Do you want to know what to eat? What amounts of testosterone are you able to acquire each month?
Sorry for not making that clear. I will change my post.

Working with the gear i have what would be the best cycle for me. Thanks
Thats quite alright. From my understanding, HRT is only to increase hormone levels to normal. The dose will not be significant enough to make you look like a juice head in any gym. Keep in mind that myofibrils begin to decline at age 30. You will not be able to make gains like a 21 year old would. You can, however, maintain what you do have through regular exercise and one study suggests that HMB, arginine, and lysine supplementation helps prevent declination of the fibres. I would say- depending on your life- a 4 day/wk strength training regimen will be most beneficial. You will recover quicker than most other 50 year olds not on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), but still slower than a younger person. Don't overdo it, and stick to a moderate calorie diet.
you need to change your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosing to more frequent but lower doses, since you still have some water retention issues

you want to at least double the test for a blast cycle, 400 mg a week might be good for you , keep doing your Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shots
What should i increase the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dose to? At one time (before a trip to the island) I was taking 500 mg a week and looked good. I have plenty of Test C to do a 12 wk cyl at what ever dose i want.
I thought you could only use 150cc test every 5 days. Up the dose to 400 2x/wk. The Aromatase inhibitor (AI) .25mg eod.
While on the HRT + plan (my dosage) I was injecting 200 mg per week twice a week for 400mgs per week. I was thinking of injecting 400 mgs just one time a week this time, didn't care for the lumps/knots in my gluts and soar legs. I know they say it's better to do 1/2 and 1/2 twice a week but didn't care for it. I was drawing from the vial with a 18G pin and inj with a 25G 1.5". and would rotate from left side glut - left leg - right leg - right glut to keep it mixed up.
I know you didn't mention having access to this, but if you could get on growth hormone such as serostim, I think it would make a great deal of difference. And with your age, you wont need to use as much as someone in their 20s-30s would to get the same benefit.
DrHiney, thanks for the info. Everything I get comes from HRT Dr. and pharmacy (New Era). This is the goods they put me on for my HRT so not sure if I can get something other than Test Cyp, but I will ask. I will pin twice a week if have to just wanted to do once a week. at one time last summer i was taking 500mg to 600mg every 5 days of Test Cyp and was looking and "feeling" 20 years yourger, might have to do that much again.