gear fake?

The jokes on you bro if you read around this forum every guy out there says to know your source and if you dont maybe buy like one item and try it out not buy it and if its fake sell it to someone else i hope you sell it to some punk kid and that punk kid sells it to a monster and the monster pumbles your ass lol.
rofl ... watever bro stop acting like ur all good citizens bet uve all sold fake gear n ripped ppl off b4 its the circle of life 1 person starts it another person does it to get his money back.. like u said in the first place ur fault for buying shiit gear off someone and not trusting ur source.
sorry bout that im new to this posting pic stuff.... i posted attachments of my actual bottles... can u see them?

got some myself this stuff is real but i have testosterone enanthate and the boldenone i have used the exact same as urs worked very well