Gear porn photo's. hope you enjoy

At first I would compare the pip to a authentic organon Kirachi Sustanon.

It's really not that bad and if you mix products with the eq or deca it is absolutely painless.

What's more important is the gear feels sterile.
The sust300 is great too. I made HUGE gains my last cycle when I ran it. Any of their Test is top shelf really.

Agreed. I just used a few vials of the t300 with great results and switched to sus300 3 weeks ago, gains aren't stopping.
Are you running anything else with it?

Yes aml eq-3cc a week. Although I was using the t300 and the eq together for 8 weeks then only changed the t300 to sust, so I have higher test values for 3 weeks till the Enan/cyp from the t300 clear out. But I am loving this sust.

It's my first time using eq and I must say I can't stop eating and it's great because when you're under 10% bf your whole life all you wanna do is be fat. LOL.
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Agreed. I just used a

The sust300 has a lil kick to it, nothing terrible though. But everything else at least for me has zero PIP whatsoever!

I found that as well, especially after trying the different products.

I would assume because of the shorter ester the sust hurts slightly more.. But I like that feeling now :)
T300 was nice because of the Enan and cyp to reduce pip of prop.
Yes aml eq-3cc a week. Although I was using the t300 and the eq together for 8 weeks then only changed the t300 to sust, so I have higher test values for 3 weeks till the Enan/cyp from the t300 clear out. But I am loving this sust.

It's my first time using eq and I must say I can't stop eating and it's great because when you're under 10% bf your whole life all you wanna do is be fat. LOL.

I found that as well, especially after trying the different products.

I would assume because of the shorter ester the sust hurts slightly more.. But I like that feeling now :)
T300 was nice because of the Enan and cyp to reduce pip of prop.

I am glad your enjoying the products and having a good cycle. Its no surprise, but never the less its good to hear this from clients.
At first I would compare the pip to a authentic organon Kirachi Sustanon.

It's really not that bad and if you mix products with the eq or deca it is absolutely painless.

What's more important is the gear feels sterile.

Just curious... How does gear "feel" sterile?
Just curious... How does gear "feel" sterile?

Imo the gear feels sterile or is felt to be sterile because of the slight pip which I attribute to higher ba since it's not labelled with the % used. Dirty gear generally creates zits around my injection site, if I did a tri shot it would flare in that area,
and when on pharma I never had that issue, or when syrus was still around.

It's my opinion for sure, take it as it is.