Generic HGH


New member
Does anyone have any info on say the quality of Generic HGH (Blue Tops)? I can get this stuff extremely cheap and wanted to know if it is worth it........the only experience or what I have to compare it to is Jino, which I ran last year for 6 months and loved every day of the stuff!
I'm currently running the blue hygetropins. I have run the jinos in the past and I really like these blue hyges. I finish them up in a few weeks, and I will be switching to the generic blues. I have heard nothing but good things from the generic blues.
blue tops generic are very good quality... better than jino's from everythign that i've heard from users and read about/... and they are cheaper
Swellin said:
I'm currently running the blue hygetropins. I have run the jinos in the past and I really like these blue hyges. I finish them up in a few weeks, and I will be switching to the generic blues. I have heard nothing but good things from the generic blues.

I hear they are exactly like the Hygetropins! I can get both but the generics are little cheaper and if they are pretty much the same then-I'd rather have the cheaper so I can run GH even longer....I'm going for a 6 month run starting in January!

Thanks for the response..
just started blue tops a few days a ago at 2iu's and have to lower the dose a little. (can't feel my fingers)
All the claims are that the blues are over dosed. Suits me just fine! lol

While the hyge is 8iu per vial, the blues are 10 (easier to figure for injections)...and overdosed...sounds like a no brainer to me.
I have heard from one person who said they liked the hyge better...but not for the disparity in price. He felt that if they were 20-30 bucks different per 100iu...he would buy the hyge.
Thanks for all your replies.....looks like I'm going with the Blue Tops.....Maaaaaaaaaaaan I can't Wait!