genetically gifted

Mad- scientist

My favorite stack is 400mgs of legit pharma test E. I respond 2.5 times better than the normal person so that is 800mgs for me. Anyone else respond like me? 80mgs pharma test e a week got me at 1200ng/dl..... lee priest didnt lie about his dosages he was gifted by the gods lol.
I had the same type of response to test when I started... 100mg a week gets me to 1200ng/dl .... 500mg over 5000ng/dl.... but I wouldn't call that genetically gifted... having high test levels doesn't give you a proportional increase in muscle mass.... those that are truly genetically gifted, look better than 99% of the population without taking gear.
So true, genetics are everything.
The drugs do help, though.

I know people that use 800mg-1000mg of test, and look ok.
I know people (in public service) that use nothing, and can lift incredible weight, maintain very low bodyfat, and are accused of using gear.

I haven't gone above 500mg over last 3 years, and am able to get a decent look. That's after 15 years of bodybuilding and a good diet. Without diet, I look like ass.
So true, genetics are everything.
The drugs do help, though.

I know people that use 800mg-1000mg of test, and look ok.
I know people (in public service) that use nothing, and can lift incredible weight, maintain very low bodyfat, and are accused of using gear.

I haven't gone above 500mg over last 3 years, and am able to get a decent look. That's after 15 years of bodybuilding and a good diet. Without diet, I look like ass.

yup. Google Chris Bumstead, 22 years old, will be top 3 in classic Olympia this year.

Im not gonna get into the how I know.. but he takes about 10% of what Bostin Loyd claims to take.
yup. Google Chris Bumstead, 22 years old, will be top 3 in classic Olympia this year.

Im not gonna get into the how I know.. but he takes about 10% of what Bostin Loyd claims to take.
Geezes, overall muscular development/conditioning is insane for that age.
My favorite stack is 400mgs of legit pharma test E. I respond 2.5 times better than the normal person so that is 800mgs for me. Anyone else respond like me? 80mgs pharma test e a week got me at 1200ng/dl..... lee priest didnt lie about his dosages he was gifted by the gods lol.

You got something wrong here. Genetically gifted has to do with building muscle and strength proportion, not how your body produces ng/dL #'s per mgs of exogenous Testosterone. Ya know my Test level at >9,000 ng/dL and slow development at that compared to a guy with 2000ng/dL developing at great stride is what is genetics.

I am genetically weak, really. Example look at my Avi Back then when I was in that shape you would be surpised at how little weight I could lift compared to guys not in the shape and size I was. So hence the genetically gifted make gains of LMM and strength at low ng/dL levels.

It's the rate of growth that says a guy is genetically gifted, because at some stage the ng/dL level means nothing to what this guy or that guy's rate of growth.