Get blood work done cheap!

Everyone uses it, locations all over the U.S.

BTW, you no longer need to select female... they have corrected that internally now and you may select male now... doesn't matter its the same price.
Everyone uses it, locations all over the U.S.

BTW, you no longer need to select female... they have corrected that internally now and you may select male now... doesn't matter its the same price.

Loaded Gun,

I am on their site and female is 59.99 and male is 169.49. You said both are the same?

Also the male and female panels have very different things it seems. Like female is:

The Private MD Female Hormone Testing Panel contains the following tests:
Estradiol, Serum
Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Testosterone, Serum
Complete Blood Count (CBC)
Comprehensive Metabolic Profile

Male says:

The Private MD Male Hormone Testing Panel contains the following tests:
Thyroid Profile w/ TSH
Complete Blood Count w/ Differential
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
Estradiol Sensitive
Testosterone (Free), Serum With Total
Lipid Profile
Insulin Growth Factor (IGF-1)

Is female good enough? Can anyone confirm? What do we need to add to the female one also? Just lipid profile?
I believe the reason for this thing is so people can get tested for STDs privately. I think. Just a fun fact. Fortunately for us bodybuilders we can use it to make sure everythings good. I cant wait to try this out. It sucks because the closest one is 2 hours away! damn, but it has to be done.
Bumping since I've seen a few lately who can't get blood work done because doctors are hassling them. Again great post.
Yep, I just got some blood work done. Privatemdlabs cannot provide services in NJ. So I just selected the nearest LabCorp location in PA. A short 25 minute drive, no appointment needed, no waiting. I had blood drawn last Thursday, results showed up via email on Friday morning. I got the numbers I needed so I can make some minor adjustments ... it just does not get any easier.
Thank you so much for this. I'm doing the research for my first cycle and definitely will routinely get blood work done. I have full benefits with my job, but don't feel like having to go through a doctor just to get work done, lol.
wait wait so All I need to pay is the test on the website for $50? Im fearing that they might charge me again at the clinic after the blood was drwan!!
does anyone know if total test is actually a waste? like should i be opting for the free test in the male panel or is total test and the non-sensitive estrogen fine?
Got my Blood work done, not sure what to think. First, I had my test done on week 12 of my cycle. (75mg test prop, 75mg Tren A, 75mg mast ED (and I finished off the last of test E which added another 250mg a week for the past 3 weeks). I've gained 32#'s on this cycle, strength has gone up but I still just didn't feel like I normally do on cycle. So I went and got the blood workup. My total testostorone serum was 1036 (isn't this low for what I'm on). LH was .1, FSH was .2. Estradiol was 37.2 (I take .5mg 2x a week of letrozole). What do you guys think???
The Advanced Female Hormone Panel is listed at $160, not $60 like it used to be. Whats the deal? Any cheap alternatives for blood tests?
Sorry yall, I was looking at the Advanced Female Hormone Panel, not the Female Hormone Panel. The Female Hormone Panel is still $60

Will the Female Hormone Panel cover liver and kidney values?
What is LH and FHS on the female panel, I mean what does it tell you? I want to get blood work done to check my hgh level and my test level, gonna get it done mid cycle. So will I still be able to get the female test done or do I have to get a special test for hgh? Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
What is LH and FHS on the female panel, I mean what does it tell you? I want to get blood work done to check my hgh level and my test level, gonna get it done mid cycle. So will I still be able to get the female test done or do I have to get a special test for hgh? Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

LH and FSH are part of the HPTA feedback loop. The hypothalamus send gonads to the pituitary and the pituitary respond by sending lh and fsh to your balls to produce test and semen. That's the short of it. So on cycle those counts should be low. The ratio of the two can also be used to diagnose issues. Just make sure they are in the range given and you're good.
Is this still working? Im thinking of doing a pre-cycle test! Let me know if anyone has done it recently! I dont want to walk in and them say I owe another $100. Thanks!
Is this still working? Im thinking of doing a pre-cycle test! Let me know if anyone has done it recently! I dont want to walk in and them say I owe another $100. Thanks!

Yes it's fine, but I don't walk in and pay. You pay online at labcorp before you go in.
No problem :)

I actually never have. Planning on starting my first (TestE + Dbol) as soon as my gear arrives!

you need to see a doc and get on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) first, then boost if you want after you're in a optimum level , you're already low, what will you do when you run out