Get blood work done cheap!

If your only pinning once a week, how long after your last pin is the best time to get your blood work done?
So if I pin say Sundays with Test-C, what day should I get my blood work done?
Can we get a mod to sticky this? I see this question pop up all the time on how to get bloods done without seeing a doctor and think it would be beneficial to the members to have easy access to this information.

If your only pinning once a week, how long after your last pin is the best time to get your blood work done?
So if I pin say Sundays with Test-C, what day should I get my blood work done?
I like to get bloods done either mid point from my last pin for average levels, or the day before to get a baseline total test figure. In your case, I'd go with Friday or Thursday. Sweet avi btw!
i'm planning my first cycle right now and want to get bloodwork done before, mid-way through cycle, and after post cycle therapy (pct). should i get the female hormone panel all three times or get the male one at least before starting so I see both testosterone levels? does the female one alone tell me all i want to know?
Get female all 3 times, it's cheaper and shows your test and estrogen levels.

Also guys, make sure to get it done in the morning and be in a fasted state for at least 12 hours.

So once u pay u just go in and they take ur blood?

Once you pay online, you wont have to pay anything else. Just give them the requisition paper which privatemdlas will send you through email, they'll know what to do with them. Then after a short wait they will take your blood.
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