Get off Forma stanzol before starting helladrol?


New member
Hey all, ordered everything needed for a helladrol cycle, have done a e-stane cycle in the past with great results, but was a longgg time ago and have gotten back into it strong for past 6 months. i recently got on forma stanzol as a stand alone for fat burning and all of my helladrol goodies come in mail tomm. was just wondering.. should i taper off FS fully before i start helladrol? and just throw the forma into my PCT along with my clomid/forged post cycle therapy (pct)? thanks guys
id prob start the forma stanzol in the last 2 weeks of cycle and run it thro your post cycle therapy (pct) to the finish.

id taper off or stop the forma and take a little break like a week, and then go into your helladrol cycle once your ready and got all your items
i would stay on forma while on helladrol. but cut the normal ten pump dose to 4pumps. only once a day too. you want to control estrogen and keep it at a low level. this way you stop any chance of gyno (not like it happens with helladrol tho) you will stay dryer, etc etc

running a low dose Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during any cycle is a smart idea.