getting big

Re: Older guys on gear

chaggy said:
For all you guys that say you're over 40 and still using Gear, you're going to f%&*ing kill your selfs. Ease off and work out natural.
What ever you say Einstien :rolleyes:
my theory on that is declining test is what makes us grow old. so if you continue with [self prescribed or by an MD] HRT you will stay younger longer. I dont think there is anything negative about juicing later in life. i will be until i am not capable anymore. unless there is some scientific evidence to prove that it is harmful.

just think of it as a form of Botox
jarbulldog said:
one thing that i have noticed as i have gotten older is my body aches more each year with age and i have also noticed i get injuryed more easily then when i was younger.

as you get older you get stronger therefore you moving more weight. with more weight comes more chances at injury. train smarter with a lot more stretching and warm up sets. it pays big dividends. when you body is talking dont be macho, back off if need be. there will be another day.
i am 38 and in my lifting/training prime finally! 6' 4" tall at just under 300 pounds, and still growing. My doctor put me on Test, and i supplemnet that for 16 weeks straight with another 8 weeks of just HRT, then more gear for 16 weeks straight, etc.

I am always getting blood and lab assays done to keep everything in check. I feel great, awesome mood, good sleep (except the Tren part of my cycles), I have a young sex drive, I am stronger than most kids half my age....Test is good...the elixer of Men's life!
A guy how knows a guy who knows a guy who's brothers juicer son knows a girl who fucks a guy who's 55 is juiced to the nuts and looks 35 and is medically observed to be in great fuckin shape. D- Bol the fountain of youth and the breakfast of champions......... fuck wheaties