Sorry for the lack of updates, It was a long weekend of no work, and no workouts! Had a great chest workout yesterday morning & had full intentions of coming into work last night w/ an update, but we were busy for 12 hours straight last night. Needless to say, I slept like a baby today & here I am again tonight, hoping to have a much quieter night.
The vision sides are definitely there for me. Nothing some polarized wrap around safety glasses can't help!! Lol. No yellowing at all, just the bright sunny skies outside & then coming inside.
Strength is still around the same, but I'm also down almost 25 lbs since I started w/ 3J, so I know I'll also be losing some strength along the way.
Vascularity is crazy!! Arms are veiney day and night, regardless if I'm working out.
Looking forward to tomorrow's shoulder workout!