getting it up


New member
i was at a party the other day and was piss drunk...unfortunately i couldnt get him up...i also have had other situations like this were i couldnt get there something im doing wrong??? or is there something i should take that would solve this problem???

tons of factors can cause limp dick

get some viagra or cialis

i think viagra works great, and have never used cialis

just take the viagra 1/2hour or so before game time and you'll be ready to rock out with ur cock out. plus all the bitches and whores will think ur godlike!
U were piss drunk. What do you expect? Cialis will get it up but most likely wont help you get a nut. At least it doesnt with me. If ive been drinkng heavily no drug on this earth will help me finish.
i have used cialis and liked it. i had one time in my life when i had issues getting it up. it was not too long after a Winstrol (winny) only cycle so i think it must have been related. i went nuts of course and ever since then i have some viagra and cialis around. its been about 4 years with no issues but im ready. i just finished a cycle and im a little nervous. the big problem is that once you start thinking about it too much you fuck yourself over. when i was on the test, it was up at a thought of a boobie. bam!!! like nothing. normally you just expect it to work and it generally does but its scary that the little guy has to do it on his own and you have little control.
lol...thanx but i need to find a place were i can order viagra and cialis....does anyone recomend a place or site
shit happened to me last night, i was piss drunk and I was half hard the whole fucking time. it was pissing me off. i couldnt fuck

my cum cycles are fucked up. sometimes i cum in 4 minutes, sometimes i cant cum but hard forever

i do beat off alot and if you do it too much you arent as hard and too little i get worried i may finish to soon.

what Im going to do.....get cialis and keep it bathroom at my place and if I need some help i take it

---------------------------------------what is good dose for cialis?-------------
Yes, you need a prescription to get it in pill form. However like it was already suggested, you can buy it without a script in liquid form from research companies.

lol that site has neither of the ones u another site

Yes they do. Look again.
what i do is i put a picture in my drawerso when im doin her missionary i will slide the drawer open and look at her friend that i boned hammered before, with a pic of her legs and love cannal wide open i stare at it and i bust ...he he then i close the drawer....and thats when she says"hunny i was gonna cum" and im like "oh well"
i rock on 100mg cialis, 100mg viagra and a couple paracetomol with plenty of fluids at hand. this makes for a very long night!!