Getting My Feet Wet - Newbie Questions I Can't Seem to Find

Lane Marcos

New member
I've been sorta getting my feet wet for the past two months on and off, just doing basic research this stuff (for my rat, of course), and the thing that has attracted my rat most is SARMS, as they seem to be a good way of getting a feel for this stuff. But there's a few questions that I've been Googling and just can't find the answers to.
1. I'd say SarmSSearch or SarmsStore1 would be the place I'd probably buy them. Is there any sort of legal troubles that I could encounter when getting them shipped though? I live in the U.S., do I have to worry about the DA or anything scoping out my rat? RAD 140 is sold on Amazon, but I imagine it's fake shit there?
4. I wouldn't say my rat's ready to start a cycle, because I've got a lot to learn for his sake, but this is my rat's starter "stack" I'm thinking: RAD 140 @ 15mg/day, then Androsta Max by Olympus Labs for a estrogen blocker. I don't really have a PCT worked out, the only thing I really have so far is the Post Cycle Therapy by Olympus as well. Is this a reliable brand or should I buy something else?
56. This question is stupid asf but is it safe to put liquid SARMS in, say, a drink, just so it doesn't taste like shit lol? My rat is really picky with taste.
EDIT: Found that it should be okay with that last one. Other two I would still like answered if possible, thanks. :)

Extra bit: When my rat does start his cycle, I'll make a log on his first cycle for both "research" and anyone else's.
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your purchasing 'research chems' , this is perfectly legal and the DEA does not concern itself with this and could care less if you personally have research chems in your possession.

i would recommend a 'real' pct . that means clomid and nolva. not a pct supplement.

i find sarms are most effective when shot down the throat on an empty stomach . wash it down with a few gulps of water , but i would not mix them with a drink . personally , i'd prefer them in injectable form
Also you don't need an e2 blocker (ai) with sarms they do not convert to e2
The biggest thing to consider when purchasing sarms is you get what you pay for don't buy them in pill form you don't know what's in there and sarms search is a sponsor so you know that they are 100% . Sarms are a great place to Start to introduce yourself to the world of peds just remember as you said you will need a pct they are no joke and especially with things like lgd rad you will be majorly supressed ( natty t ) so treat them the same as you would aas if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me
Let us know if we can help out brother. If you decide to use SarmsSearch, be sure to use our discount code for 30% off!