Getting Pregnant when on Low Dose Cycle...???'s


New member
This is my first post to this listserve. I must say there is some very useful information to be had. Thanks for all your efforts and knowledge. Onto my query.

My fiance is using Oxandrin at 10mgs per day and having tremendous results.(This is her first cycle) She will be starting her third week tomorrow and she's had no sides with the possible exception of a slightly swollen clitoris.

She is using Yasmin Birth Control pills during this same time period. What are the chances of her getting pregnant understanding she is using the above protocol?

As far as menstrual irregularities go(mentioned as possible contraindication with OX), what is she likely to experience? Shorter duration of blood flow, spotting etc? Is there a possibility she may miss her period altogether?

We'd both truly appreciate any and all help you may give us. Thanks in advance and please keep up the good work.

Hey TD.... sorry your question was not answered sooner, but i am only online at night :) and life for us women gets so hectic :)

the ox will NOT negate her bc.. however it can slow down her periods or stop them.. as well as lowered bodyfat.. both have an effect on menstration..
Ox can go both ways.. she may experience spotting, or she may experience lessened periods.. I personally get smaller and less painful periods that last 3-4 days tops and some months i don't get it or maybe for like 1-2 days.. it is quite erratic while on Ox..

Hope this helps :)