Newbie First Cycle on YouTube


New member
Greetings all,

I started my first AAS cycle on May 26th 2018. I'm going to be posting a weekly summary video for the duration of the cycle for those of you interested in following a detailed account of a journey from beginning to end. I'll be posting pictures, stats, overall feeling, changes, thoughts, my workout routine, diet, etc as I go through this journey. Please join me in my journey!

The purpose of the videos are to be primarily a memoir of my experience. A personal vlog so I can look back and see how my first cycle went and what I did right/did wrong/could have done better, etc. I also want to share the journey with the community. All those interested in seeing a first hand experience of a steroid cycle from a newbie's perspective. I'll be bearing my soul on camera for all!

Thanks guys and hope you journey is useful to someone out there.

Take care.

After watching your video a few things stand out to me:
1. Kudos for waiting till 45 to run your 1st cycle
2. Impressive work on the video log
3. There is no mention of an AI for estrogen control
4. 200mg of test is a fairly low dose. That would probably the the equivalent to natural T levels of a 25-30 year old, basically a TRT dose.
5. If you intend to just cycle and then go back to natural T production, HCG would be recommended during your cycle to help your restart by not allowing for complete shutdown while on cycle.

I would suggest to do a little more research before you start, but your body your choice...good luck be sure to read the beginners cycle thread to learn how to do this first cycle right.

Yes! thanks for reaching out. I'm definitely a work in progress. The best way to learn is to jump in and do it. It's still early in my journey so I will definitely make the necessary changes to ensure a great and safe first-timer cycle. I'll be baring my soul on video each week. The plan is to make a weekly video recap, a detailed progress report if you will. :)
Thanks for the reply! Yeah I did read a whole bunch but by no means do I claim to know everything! I just started a few days ago (injected the first mg last Friday night) so I will be making changes along the way to ensure a safe and successful cycle. I appreciate your input!
Hi Milton,

I've been lifting for maybe 30 + years? I'm 45. 5'7" 158lbs, according to my scale, I'm around 19% bf. All my stats including my starting measurements are in the video. I'll be making a weekly video with progress, etc, etc. through the duration of the cycle and post cycle if we get there. Absolutely open to input of course. Learning from the experienced is the name of the game. Thanks!
End of week one video update

Hi there again,

I just posted a video update with a recap of the first week. Thank you guys for the feedback! The journey continues...

how much test are you pinning? please write out your cycle, and pct here.
videos too long to get all these data.
and next time you ask siri the date dont cut to a write out of it, leave the camera rolling on you while siri tells the date.
Thanks for the suggestion.

200 test cypionate
Nolvadex (PCT)
200 test c for how long? what dosages of anavar, and what is your pct? just nolvadex? what about clomid?
please lay out your cycle plan here in its entirety bro.
Steroid cycle week two update

Greetings guys,

Just sharing my third video in my beginner's journey...

Greetings guys,

Just sharing my third video in my beginner's journey...

Interesting log. About your blood test, which panel did you get done?
I dont see LH, FSH, Free test, E2 levels anywhere. The female panel is the one which shows these test results.