Getting ready for lean bulk cycle

Sorry my mistake on the (Base) and meaning TNE. I don't know if you have a temper problem or can be prone to outbursts of anger, so TNE with all your Prop ED can sent a guy over the top if don as regularly as you say you intend. Just keep it in mind as you sale on. I have seen it before with two BB's. Myself and another guy I was training with 2 years ago. I cut out the TNE and stayed with the other compounds such as prop and acetate.
Good luck and keep us posted :)

In my OP leave out the t3...not needed and it can be very catabolic.
I have officially acquired 3J's services for the next 6 months! I'm extremely excited to work with him as I know I will learn a lot and reach my goals.
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I have officially acquired 3J's services for the next 6 months! I'm extremely excited to work with him as I know I will learn a lot and reach my goals.

Nice! Will definitely get some great results on this run.

I would run T3 all the way through - If your looking to bulk it can be beneficial at 25mcg daily. Increases protein turnover. You can even run that as a natty whilst bulking or dieting. The amount of gear your on, 50mcg will not cause you to lose any extra muscle. Have fun! I'll let you know how my run goes :)
Nice! Will definitely get some great results on this run.

I would run T3 all the way through - If your looking to bulk it can be beneficial at 25mcg daily. Increases protein turnover. You can even run that as a natty whilst bulking or dieting. The amount of gear your on, 50mcg will not cause you to lose any extra muscle. Have fun! I'll let you know how my run goes :)

Right on brother!

I've been getting conflicting feedback about the t3 making you catabolic. I have the same feeling you do about the amount of gear compared to the t3 dose. Everybody reacts differently so I guess we'll see.

Enjoy your ride too.