Getting ready for vegas!

That they are. I also get them in my shins. It sucks.

I don't really track my macros per say (although MyFitnessPal does track them for me). I usually just do a IIFYM approach and make sure to hit my cals. I don't use that as an excuse to eat dirty though. I loosen up on the weekends and eat what I want but mon-fri I eat the same foods. Protein is usually around 300g+

I'm a subscriber to DCA (discretionary caloric allowance) which IIFYM is based on. You seem to be pretty sound in your approach so Id expect some good gains from you man. I'll admit to eating foods that most deem "dirty" but I find ways to fit them into my macros and micros like is advised. I'll be damned if I give up my greasy burgers and fries :D
I'm a subscriber to DCA (discretionary caloric allowance) which IIFYM is based on. You seem to be pretty sound in your approach so Id expect some good gains from you man. I'll admit to eating foods that most deem "dirty" but I find ways to fit them into my macros and micros like is advised. I'll be damned if I give up my greasy burgers and fries :D

Exactly. If I'm going to go out and eat dirty I try to plan for it by eating just enough cals during the day so I don't over do it later on. Just because I'm ok AAS doesn't mean I can't get fat!

I will say though I'm pretty sure the T3 has been helping keep the fat off. I definitely noticed my weight gain plateau a bit once I started it. I bumped up maintenance cals to 2850 this week and will bump up to 2900 on Monday depending how things are looking around that time

Starting to get compliments that I'm looking bigger and fuller up top and that "it looks like things are coming together"
Tipped the scales today at 225 - up roughly 15lbs and feel pretty good to be honest

Since the backend of the cycle is going to be more of a cutter, I'm going to start slowly ramping down the calories starting tomorrow.

small edit:

wanted to add the strength is really starting to soar. Decline Benched 345x4 today and rowed 250x5 with ease.

Since I've decided to cut cals, I'm going to drop from 2900 maintenance to 2800 maintenance as of today. I'll probably continue to drop by 100 cal over the next 3-4 weeks (still going to eat back the calories from working out).

Going to start using forged liver and N2Guard to help me recover a bit from the first round of orals

Then once I get back from Vegas I'll start the Winstrol (winny) and anavar (about 4 weeks from now). PCT will start first week of sept.
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So I saw such a sharp drop in weight from 100 cals (roughly 5lb) - That i've decided to just hold at 2800 for now. I think I'll most likely end up waiting to drop cals until I get back from Vegas as I'm sure I won't be able to nearly hit my cals like I should while I'm there.

Strength and endurance is solid.....just a sample from yesterday..... I did DB flat bench @ 80x10, 90x10, 100x10, 110x8 and then followed it up with decline BB @ 185x10, 225x10, x10, x10

Haven't really been leaning out at all but I do notice that I have gotten a bit bigger. But no hyooogge. I almost think that this dose of test is too small for me as I'm finding that my body tolerates steroids very well. So next cycle I will probably run 750mg-1g of test

I still have about 5 weeks of test to run (so about 10 injections @ 250mg/ml) and will be throwing in the Anavar (var) and Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg the last two weeks and will run till post cycle therapy (pct).

I've also thrown in HCGenerate in order to help unbind test from SHBG and to see if it actually brings my boys back to life.
Good progress brother. I know hcgenerate definitely worked for me so hopefully it'll do the same for you

Thanks man, I'm sure it will.

Just wanted to add that I've got a couple of huge zits coming in the forehead region. Nothing on my issues when I was growing up were all about my nose/forehead. So damn annoying
Haven't updated in a bit.....

Weight is around 225lbs

Strength is up. way up. benching 365, squatting 450, DLing isn't as high...slipped a disc years ago so I try to be careful with DLs

endurance is up too...I was able to bench 275x10 for 3 sets

everyone says i'm looking bigger but I don't see it haha....still have a few more weeks left on cycle and I start anavar and Winstrol (winny) in about two weeks to wrap it all up