Getting Sick While on Cycle


New member
So question for some of the more experienced guys. What should you do if you get sick or start getting sick during a cycle. I mean like cold or flu. Should you continue working out like normal, tone it down, or hit the bed and wait it out? I ask because getting sick usually sets me back a week or a bit more and that seems like time wasted if your cycle only lasts 12 weeks.
If its just a cold I would go and workout, a lot of the time the increased temp of your body due to training will allow you to sweat the cold out! Now if you have a flu or a fever or lets say strep throat or something like that rest is going to be your best friend. Training could possibly make you worse.
I got the chickenpox on my first cycle bro. Set me back only a week, but I lost like 8lbs. I recommend resting. I notice when I work out sick, it prolongs the illness substantially. I'd rather just get it over with. A few days off won't kill the cycle.
like they said if its a cold fuck it, just workout. fever, wait it out, but pin as usual.