Getting steroids from thailand


New member
Im in thailand right now
I saw that in the pharmacy they sell all the steroids so it is legal
My question is can i buy it here and get it with me to my country?
Or i can go to jail for it
Cus its illegal in my country
Im pretty sure in your country they will confiscate it at minimum and possibly bust you.
the ONLY SEIZURE I ever had was Thailand; its flafgged as pharm s are O T C. My buddy mailed hisself a 1k worth of gear to hisself and got to meet the postal inspector s . Hard to deny you mailing your self something when handwriting is BOTH yours mate.
Pretty sure Thailand is one of the few countries I wouldn't try sneaking AAS out of. Which is kind of sad, given how they used to be the world's largest source of AAS for quite a long time.
Thailand is great for gear if you are staying there for a few months... stick to the testoviron depot, proviron etc and you won't have many problems with fakes... most, if not all the gear in 10ml size are fakes if you see them in a pharmacy

you can get the gear out of the country (wouldn't recommend it), and you may get lucky and get it back to your home country... but not really worth it