Gettiong gyno surgery tomorrow...


The Cooler
I am getting surgery tomorrow for the gyno in my left pec. Fucked up part is I was not on a cycle only asthma meds that may have caused it.

I even had Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) on hand and started taking 2 a day right when symptoms appeared. It did not do shit. The gyno kept being sore and actually got worse over the last 3 weeks. Pretty scarey that I even had meds to prevent it and they did not work.

I tell you bros, you KNOW when you are getting gyno. It is not just a puffy nipple, it gets sore, there is an obvious lump underneath the nip. To test if you think you have it, put your arm over your head and push on your nipple with you finger. It should be flat and actually recessed a bit underneath. When you have gyno the nipple is actually hard underneath or raised up, but you can definitely feel it.

Doc said I can work chest in a few days if I want, just take it easy. I won't work chest for a week or two though, but I will play it by what my body tells me. I will post when I get back so you other bros know what to expect if it ever happens to you too. Adios- MP5
Thanks, pretty odd that I have gone as high as 800mgs of test in the past and done a dbol cycle with no problems. Then somehow this pops out of nowhere.

Does anyone know if once I get the surgery if it is still possible to get gyno in that pec??
Yes, it is possible to get gyno after surgery contrary to popular beleif, even if they remove the whole gland.

It will be harder for you to get gyno in that pec.

Did you do anything different...test conversion to estro is not the only reason people get gyno. You can get it from Anavar (sometimes)
MP5 said:
Does anyone know if once I get the surgery if it is still possible to get gyno in that pec??

Good luck to ya man

I'm pretty sure it is possible.... when you get surgery they just remove fat and whatnot..... that doesn't prevent it from returning. Kind of like getting lipo-suction.... just because you had the fat sucked out doesn't mean it can't return.
Some doctors remove the gland entirely and place a small prosthetic behind your nipple so it doesn't collapse and look "folded". It is definitely possible to get gyno after the surgery.

Wear the compression garment!
I had the same issue last year bro...I just had the hard tissue removed from the left pec. It was a painless procedure for me, you should be fine in a week or so. Just take it easy..
Good luck, MP5. Get well soon! It may be a pain now, but it sure beats getting a training bra. :D
Where's the pics??

Seriously good luck with it.

I actually thought you could NOT get it again after the gland was removed, but apparently you can.
Gyno can happen at strange times...there's still a lot to learn here. In my earlier days, I did heavy cycles of D-bol, Test, & Deca with no anti-estrogens what so ever. I never developed gyno and I paid very close attention to my body. After 6 cycles during a 2 year period, I decided to quit the juice. One year after my last cycle, gyno appeared in the form of a lump under my left nipple. I hadn't touched anything in one year! I was 20 years old and very scared, because I thought that it could have been a malignant tumor or something. I had a biopsy and they found it to be benign to my relief. He said that it was just hormone growth and nothing to worry about. In fact, he didn't even cut it all out because he wasn't worried about it at all.

Gyno can happen unexpectedly at various times, which my experience has proved. Soreness was never a symptom in my case. I just found a hard lump under the nipple.
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Good luck Bro! There are all kinds of Meds that can cause Gyno (eg: Zantec, Zoloft, Proscar/Propecia...NUMEROUS others). I got some mild Gyno from Propecia! There are dudes all over the world taking it for hair loss and enlarged prostate (5mg Proscar version) and are walking around with sucks! The pharmaceuticl companies don't let on either...they want to sell the drugs! If a patient can have a physician verify that the Gynecomastia is side-effect related (from "legal" prescriptions) it's removal has a much stronger chance of being covered by insurance. Let us know how it goes!
good luck man

when i had my lump removed it was the same thing. i also take asthma meds, and got gyno symptoms 5 months after my las injection. insurance covered it all. i think the total bill was like 300bux
good luck dude, I am going to see plastic surgeon december 9. cant wait. It will be peace of mind. It will be all covered by medicare I hope. If not I'm still getting it removed.