GHRP-6 for a skinny person? If so, Dosage and Administration?


New member
Hi All,

I am new here. I had posted this in the wrong section and was asked to repost it here.

Right, so, now, to my situation.
I am 29, 5' 11'', 130 lbs.
Pretty skinny for my age and height.
It is kind of genetic. But, I am exceptionally skinny.

I am sick of being skinny. Hence, after a lot of research and consulting my physio, I went ahead and ordered 5 units of Ghrp-6 from

I would like to know, if this is a right thing for me if I want to gain weight?

If so, could you put some light on how to use this stuff? Dosage? Administration? How many times? Where to inject? How much to inject each time? Type of pins to buy? Type of syringe to buy? and whatever more I need to know.

FYI: I will be doing this myself. I have no experience in self injecting myself. I am completely new to this world.

Thanks in advance.

I'm still learning about peptides aswell, but I would put them on the back burner. At 130lbs you can do ALOT just changing your diet. I'd head over to the nutrition section.
Taskeen you need to edit your post and remove the web address of your purchase. I don't know who that is and you would have been better off using a sponsor here.

Now next time before spending money do some research first. Yes ghrp6 can help increase appetite but it's not gonna make you just gain a bunch of weight.

A normal dose is 100mcg 3 x a day but that's in combination with a ghrh. These are growth hormone releasing peptides/hormones. Their main purpose is to increase gh out put. As a side effect ghrp6 can increase appetite. Injectable b12 is said to increase appetite as well but I don't remember if it's a specific type.

1mg ghrp6 = 1000mcg
You have to add bacteriostatic water to your vials and inject in the stomach fat. I'm sure a search will provide the details you need.

The best thing you could do is count every calorie you eat in a day for the next 2-3 weeks. Look online for help at places like fitday for help. At your height/weight, you aren't consuming enough calories. I'm betting you feel like you eat a ton of food and are eating all the time but it's probably still high carbs. Figure out the calories you consume, then figure out how many calories you need to maintain your current body weight, then continue to add to that number until you start adding weight but it will take some time.