GHRP 6 for Women ???

Ok, GHRP6 is effective for women. It will help you add size and yes there is a fat loss, but not nearly as potent as the 176-191. I would do a stack of CJC1295 (not taken every day) and 176-191 and IGF.
Here's why: CJC- ok I already touched on that earlier, but if you add GH to this, in any form say HCG to REALLY rip up, it prolongs the effectiveness or bind and you don't have to pin as often. Also this allows your hypothalumus to keep producing and rejuevenating GH. It's just taking care of your body. 176-191, I suggest to those who train hard because it has healing qualities, so studies have also seen it to be a great aid in preventing injuries through vigorous wear and tear. This again is just body maintainance- take care of yourself and what the hell enjoy a great fat loss exceleration as well. HCG- difficult to find these days, but among the best fat loss agents.

When: the 176-191 and HCG would be daily- 176 is 2x maybe 3 depending on the specifics.

There are good oral options for those who don't like pins.

Oh yeah IGF- basically there are like 2 or three good strands out there now. This will enhance your ability to produce lean muscle and the gains stick, they don't fade after a cycle. You'll feel stronger, and see results fairly soon.

S4 is a good option too- it's kinda got everything in one. I didn't encounter any crazy sides and dosed up pretty high. My only side was adjustment from indoor to outdoor- ok you squint a few seconds... don't be a winer, get over and get on with the muscle.

hope this helps guys. Also, what you select can be dictated by what you are training for and how you are training/dieting.
Mrs P, I think you should start pinning GHRP-6 give it a go.

Agreed. I did it, in a different country at that time, but saw nice effects in my training. The stack I had was pretty big so I can't say my results were purely from that... I would suggest adding Primo or Anavar (var) to just for the cosmetics of your gains.:sadwavey:
I ran it was Anavar (var), I like it but not enough to use it again until I am a little older. I think my natty GH is still too high to get the full benefits from something like that.

Is this available for oral use in pill form? Trying to find a site online but no luck. Any help??
I'm going to keep an eye on this post Mrs P because I was wondering the very same thing about GHRP-2 and CJC-1295. Was wondering if my wife could benefit running a small cycle same time as me....

2 is more powerful, according to what I've read and been told by very reliable sources.

CJC actually works better in women, I prefer DAC 1295 strand. IGF is good as well. There's a great read on Ipamorelin (spelling) somewhere in this forum- great read!!!!!
CJC will slightly harden you. It doesn't need to be taken daily for women because it sustains the release.

SARMs are great too- just sayin.:flame:
Great thanks. May get her T3 and albuterol? Or ostarine?

She would be VERY pleased if she stacked the three together. Don't run T3 for a long cycle bc it's harsh, but FINE if done right.

Osta will give her a lil fullness, but help with fat loss. T3 will super-boost her metabolism and Al will help with cardio but also taps into a fat burning as it's a Beta category "steroid". She could also try Anavar- works great for women, but results are a little slow. For cutting S4 is better than Osta, and faster impact... sides were MINIMAL when I dosed up to 75.
ok, a lil help please: I want to write a review and journal but don't see where to start my own thread..... I"m always jumpin on everyone

Thanks for the very informative information Rock. U Rock!! I think we might start with T3 and Ost since I can get them fairly cheap and from the same source.

Thanks Rock. Going with Albuterol to start her off. Going to work with her on diet, cardio and a solid workout program. T3 was out of stock at my source. May add it in later. Albuterol from what I read is to be taken 12 hours apart. So that would be morning and evening. what dosage though?