Ghrp and grf


Community Veteran
This was copied from Bilter at HCM. The science of peptides have come along way in the last couple years. We have 3rd generation peps now... Thought this was a nice easy read.

I encourage others to do their own research. Don't think all that I have written below is gospel or the only / best way to run these peptides. This is nothing more than my interpretation of what I have read and what I perceive as the best way to use peptides.

Best Choices for GHRP's.

GHRP-6 Good GH spike when used with a GRF, large increase in hunger. Elevates prolactin and cortisol levels
GHRP-2 Good GH spike, when used with a GRF, on par with GHRP-6 without the hunger. Elevates prolactin and cortisol levels
Ipamorelin good GH spike when used with a GRF. GH spike is not as high as GHRP-2 or 6 but it does not elevate prolactin or cortisol.

Note: in order for a GHRP to have a positive affect and create a GH spike alone one as to be very lucky in the timing and hope it is injected at time when Somatostatin is low in the body. Somatostatin blunts GH release in the presence of just GHRP. Using GRF will override the signal presented by Somatostatin so you will get a very dramatic GH pulse.

Two choices

Mod GRF 1-29, higher GH peaks, short half life (30 minutes) most closely mimics your bodies own GH pulses but far greater amplitude
CJC 1295 long half life (7days). Lower GH amplitude when used with GHRP, raises the troughs in the bodies GH level profile, the downside is it creates GH bleed. Think of the GH as being stored in a jar until someone (thing) opens up the faucet. It is best if the jar is full and then dumps. CJC does not allow the jar to fill. Current recommendations are to avoid CJC

Saturation dose for any of the GHRH's or GHRP's including Ipamorelin is 100mcg (or 1mcg / kg of bodyweight) so this is all based on a 100mcg dose.

As you may know, it is best to pin 1.5 to 2 hours after eating any fats or carbs and then after you pin don't eat any fats or carbs for 20-30 minutes as they will blunt the GH release. Pure protein is OK but I try to avoid all foods. Also, pure protein is OK anytime prior to pinning.

Dosings should be 3 hours apart or more.

Mornings upon waking pre cardio (if you are doing any), afternoon (or PWO) and before bed pin mod GRF 1-29 / GHRP (or Ipamorelin) @ 100mcg / 100mcg. (2 pinnings per day are also adaquate for improvements in recovery, better sleep etc. 3 will make you a bit more anabolic than 2 and you can even go 4 if the pocket book allows.

If you include GH in this protocol it should be 10 minutes after the peptides. So, first pin the peptides, wait 10-15 minutes and then pin your GH. Reason being is that Exogenous GH administration can also blunt GH release.

Wait 20-30 minutes after pinning the peptides and you are free to eat.

When you recon your peptides use as little BW as you can. I don't go as low as some people because I figure I don't want to leave a drop of highly concentrated peptide in the vial that I can not get out. The less BW used for recon the less the degradation of the peptide over time.

If you premix a shot ahead of time, don't let it sit mixed for more than 8 hours or so. When mixed they will exchange ions and who know what the final compound would be called :). I actually have a way to preload without mixing the peptides until I am ready to pin it.

Do not pin IGF within 1 hour of pinning your peptides. IGF has a feedback loop that inhibits GH release.

With the above for pinning around workouts to get the most of your investment....

Pin insulin (humalin R) immediately PWO
wait 10 minutes pin peptides
If using GH wait 10 more minutes and pin the GH (see above for reasoning)
If using IGF wait approx. 1 hour PWO and pin the IGF.

IGF blunts GH release. another reason to wait is in effort to keep the IGF local you want to wait until you lose your pump. Blood flow is reduced in teh area of injection. if you pin IGF immediately PWO blood flow is still very high so the IGF get transported away too quickly..(this should cause some conversation)

For convenience...
Pin insulin Pre work out.... Humalin R is active for 4-5 hours
PWO pin peptides (or if you want to pin slin and peps at the same time PWO)
10 minutes after peps pin GH if you are using GH
30-60 minutes PWO pin IGF if using IGF
Note: in order for a GHRP to have a positive affect and create a GH spike alone one as to be very lucky in the timing and hope it is injected at time when Somatostatin is low in the body. Somatostatin blunts GH release in the presence of just GHRP. Using GRF will override the signal presented by Somatostatin so you will get a very dramatic GH pulse.

My understanding (which is entirely based on DatBTrue posts) is that it is the other way around. If using a GHRH on its own (e.g. Mod GRF) then you have to hope that somatostatin is low. However, a GHRP on its own will create a GH pulse regardless of somatostatin levels, and a GHRP also guarantees that a GHRH will be effective.

But in the end it doesn't really matter because if you're not using both a GHRP and a GHRH then you're just dicking around.
This was copied from Bilter at HCM. The science of peptides have come along way in the last couple years. We have 3rd generation peps now... Thought this was a nice easy read.

I encourage others to do their own research. Don't think all that I have written below is gospel or the only / best way to run these peptides. This is nothing more than my interpretation of what I have read and what I perceive as the best way to use peptides.

Best Choices for GHRP's.

GHRP-6 Good GH spike when used with a GRF, large increase in hunger. Elevates prolactin and cortisol levels
GHRP-2 Good GH spike, when used with a GRF, on par with GHRP-6 without the hunger. Elevates prolactin and cortisol levels
Ipamorelin good GH spike when used with a GRF. GH spike is not as high as GHRP-2 or 6 but it does not elevate prolactin or cortisol.

Note: in order for a GHRP to have a positive affect and create a GH spike alone one as to be very lucky in the timing and hope it is injected at time when Somatostatin is low in the body. Somatostatin blunts GH release in the presence of just GHRP. Using GRF will override the signal presented by Somatostatin so you will get a very dramatic GH pulse.

Two choices

Mod GRF 1-29, higher GH peaks, short half life (30 minutes) most closely mimics your bodies own GH pulses but far greater amplitude
CJC 1295 long half life (7days). Lower GH amplitude when used with GHRP, raises the troughs in the bodies GH level profile, the downside is it creates GH bleed. Think of the GH as being stored in a jar until someone (thing) opens up the faucet. It is best if the jar is full and then dumps. CJC does not allow the jar to fill. Current recommendations are to avoid CJC

Saturation dose for any of the GHRH's or GHRP's including Ipamorelin is 100mcg (or 1mcg / kg of bodyweight) so this is all based on a 100mcg dose.

As you may know, it is best to pin 1.5 to 2 hours after eating any fats or carbs and then after you pin don't eat any fats or carbs for 20-30 minutes as they will blunt the GH release. Pure protein is OK but I try to avoid all foods. Also, pure protein is OK anytime prior to pinning.

Dosings should be 3 hours apart or more.

Mornings upon waking pre cardio (if you are doing any), afternoon (or PWO) and before bed pin mod GRF 1-29 / GHRP (or Ipamorelin) @ 100mcg / 100mcg. (2 pinnings per day are also adaquate for improvements in recovery, better sleep etc. 3 will make you a bit more anabolic than 2 and you can even go 4 if the pocket book allows.

If you include GH in this protocol it should be 10 minutes after the peptides. So, first pin the peptides, wait 10-15 minutes and then pin your GH. Reason being is that Exogenous GH administration can also blunt GH release.

Wait 20-30 minutes after pinning the peptides and you are free to eat.

When you recon your peptides use as little BW as you can. I don't go as low as some people because I figure I don't want to leave a drop of highly concentrated peptide in the vial that I can not get out. The less BW used for recon the less the degradation of the peptide over time.

If you premix a shot ahead of time, don't let it sit mixed for more than 8 hours or so. When mixed they will exchange ions and who know what the final compound would be called :). I actually have a way to preload without mixing the peptides until I am ready to pin it.

Do not pin IGF within 1 hour of pinning your peptides. IGF has a feedback loop that inhibits GH release.

With the above for pinning around workouts to get the most of your investment....

Pin insulin (humalin R) immediately PWO
wait 10 minutes pin peptides
If using GH wait 10 more minutes and pin the GH (see above for reasoning)
If using IGF wait approx. 1 hour PWO and pin the IGF.

IGF blunts GH release. another reason to wait is in effort to keep the IGF local you want to wait until you lose your pump. Blood flow is reduced in teh area of injection. if you pin IGF immediately PWO blood flow is still very high so the IGF get transported away too quickly..(this should cause some conversation)

For convenience...
Pin insulin Pre work out.... Humalin R is active for 4-5 hours
PWO pin peptides (or if you want to pin slin and peps at the same time PWO)
10 minutes after peps pin GH if you are using GH
30-60 minutes PWO pin IGF if using IGF

Excellent post bro, thank you very much..
Very good info. It is the other way around. Ghrp will cause a release on it's own but no where near what it will with a ghrh

A ghrh (mod grf, cjc) will not cause any release unless you happen to be in a natural pulse.

Men want to use mod grf, not cjc w/DAC. Cjc w/o sac is fine but IMO mod grf is the best choice. It's been modified to last about 30 minutes which is long enough to produce a large spike similar to a natural pulse but much higher levels. The spike of the combo peaks after 1 hour then begins to decline.

Ghrp2, and Ipamorelin have a much higher saturation dose then originally believed. I dose them both as high as 500mcg. But with ghrp2 you can have an increase in cortisol and prolactin at that dose. With Ipamorelin you shouldn't have much sides if any.

Hexarilin is one of the strongest ghrp's and even at 100mcg can increase prolactin and cortisol. I typically dose this at 400mcg but 100 is plenty.

Ghrp's are all interchangeable. You could use a different one each inject. I prefer ipam because of the low tendency for sides but ghrp2 tends to be cheaper. I like to use hex as my pwo dose to get the biggest pulse but any of them are sufficient.

Give atleast one hour after dose to use igf.
My understanding (which is entirely based on DatBTrue posts) is that it is the other way around. If using a GHRH on its own (e.g. Mod GRF) then you have to hope that somatostatin is low. However, a GHRP on its own will create a GH pulse regardless of somatostatin levels, and a GHRP also guarantees that a GHRH will be effective.

But in the end it doesn't really matter because if you're not using both a GHRP and a GHRH then you're just dicking around.

I believe he probably meant GhrH instead. Good catch. Thanks for confusing me again! Lol :)
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