GHRP2/MOD-GRF - Persisting Side Effects


New member
Hi everybody,

Long time reader, first time poster.

I have a question about some GHRP2 /MOD-GRF side effects I am experiencing. I ran the above combo for a few months at the beginning of the year to good affect, was putting on muscle and everything was fine. However due to work committments overseas I had stopped for a number of months just due to the inconvenience of it.

I recently found I am back into a normal routine and decided to get back on it. Now I am a fairly small guy (70KG) and I was originally doing 70mcgs pins as this seemed to align with the 1mcg per kg saturation dose. These gave me no side effects whatsoever for a matter of months.

Now just due to sheer stupidity in getting the measurements wrong (first time I have done that) I pinned last Sunday 140mcgs (mod and ghrp2) around twice the saturation dose for somebody of my physique. Now almost immediately I started to feel light headed, but over a period of time I started to experience dull aches, pins and needles, hot flushes across my body.

I understand these are potential side effects of peptides and in particular increased GH levels. However it's been over a week since pinning (and before that months) and I am still experiencing these side affects.

In particular I am finding I am getting odd pains throughout my body and around the chest area. Although I have no troubles breathing and my heart rate is not accelerated it is still uncomfortable to say the least.

Now I figure these effects are probably coming from a larger dose to what I should have done, but finding it unusual that after only pinning once at this dosage these side effects are staying with me for so long.

Now I am trying to work out whether it's something related to Cortisol or Prolactin release, or whether due to the dosage a large increase in GH.

Would appreciate any advice on this matter (whether anybody has experienced this before).

many thanks
I have not experienced such side effects. I have experiences a flushing type side effect but nothing more extreme than a high dose pre-workout drink.

I have not put on any mass or felt any healing effects so far after 16 days. I am 170lbs and pin 100mcg 4x a day for total 400mcg daily.

The only thing I notice is irritation at the injection sites. I get swelling in the area where I pin TB500.

Not sure how long I will continue this action as the human pin cushion vs results are not very appealing to me.