GHRP2/MODGRF - First Cycle (Advice appreciated!)


New member
Hi guys, so i'm going to start a cycle of GHRP2/MODGRF, using 100mg of each three times daily. I'll be doing this long term, but I was wondering how much you think I would need for 3 months worth? and how much $ I should expect it to cost? I'm ready to buy it now and I have a source organised I just wanted to know how much i'd need.

[On a side note: I'm also interested in using some biphoshponates, or something like amylin andrenomullin or teriparatide (as a means of counteracting the initial increase of bone resorption that occurs with increased GH) - any idea how I could obtain these or if anyone has any experience with them?]

Cheers guys, any help is really appreciated.
So are you running this by itself or in combination with AAS?

The dose you choose will determine how much you need to buy for the time period you wish to use it for. Most run each at 100mcg for each dose. So if you are using it three times a day you need enough for 300mcg/day of each. Just do the math on how much to buy.

And of course you will need insulin needles and alcohol swabs. Bac Water too.

Note: Don't run 100mg of each as that is WAY TOO MUCH.
So are you running this by itself or in combination with AAS?

The dose you choose will determine how much you need to buy for the time period you wish to use it for. Most run each at 100mcg for each dose. So if you are using it three times a day you need enough for 300mcg/day of each. Just do the math on how much to buy.

And of course you will need insulin needles and alcohol swabs. Bac Water too.

Note: Don't run 100mg of each as that is WAY TOO MUCH.

I was planning to run it by itself. Yeah I worked it out to be 27000mcg or 2.7kg does that sound right to you?
Yep i'll grab some insulin needles and alcohol swabs. What's the Bac water?

Sorry about the silly questions, I have done a lot of research but focused more on ensuring im using the right peptides for my health/goals but the procedural stuff i'm still figuring out.

Oh really, why is that? I had that dosage scheme recommended to me by a friend studying endocrinology. (not doubting you just curious as to the reasons)

Really appreciate the reply cheers.
There is a huge difference between mg and mcg. Make sure you know the difference so that you don't hurt yourself.

Bac Water is what you will need to reconstitute the peptides. How were you planning on doing it? You realize they come in powder form, correct?

I didn't do the math. But you want to run 300mcg daily so figure out how many days. And buy some extra for loss or in case you drop and break a vial.

What are you hoping to get out of this Peptide run?
There is a huge difference between mg and mcg. Make sure you know the difference so that you don't hurt yourself.

Bac Water is what you will need to reconstitute the peptides. How were you planning on doing it? You realize they come in powder form, correct?

I didn't do the math. But you want to run 300mcg daily so figure out how many days. And buy some extra for loss or in case you drop and break a vial.

What are you hoping to get out of this Peptide run?

Oh sorry my mistake, meant to say 100mcg! typo. No I didn't realise that I'm working things out as I go (obviously I wont start until I feel completely confident in what i'm doing though).

I'll be doing it long term, I'm hoping to achieve an increase in bone mass to address some health issues of mine. I realise this may seem unrealistic but I don't have any other options so I'm going to try it.
Can you elaborate on your health issues and bone mass problems?

I'll try to explain as best I can (thanks for all your replies btw).

Long story short as a result of health issues during puberty (sleep apnea, chronic sinus issues, hormonal issues) my bone development was stunted somewhat. As a result I now have very narrow shoulders and wide hips (these are only cosmetic issues i know), as well as a underdeveloped maxilla, and overdeveloped mandible (which has worsened my sinus, breathing, and sleep issues, and looks terrible).

I've tried a lot of different methods to try to fix my issues as best I can naturally with no luck. Unfortunately surgery to fix my facial bone structure issues is very expensive ($30k +), very invasive, and very risky (that being said I would still do it if I had the money).

Basically I want to use GH stimulating peptides (in combination with an orthodontic palate expanding device) to try to stimulate bone growth in my maxilla. I'd also love if I was able to broaden my shoulders relative to my hips, but I understand its highly unlikely at my age (Just turned 23).

I haven't explained myself very well so I hope it sort of makes sense. I know it's not very realistic but the issues are having a big impact on my life and I've tried everything and I'm running out of options, I'm prepaid to take the associated risks and suffer any consequences.
I didn't know they used palate expanders with adults. I know they are common with children as a Phase 1 orthodontic procedure. I also thought at best, you could hope for maybe 5mm of expansion. Will that make much of a difference for you?

As for the petides, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I highly doubt they will do what you are hoping as it is very likely that you have completed puberty at your age and your bones have fused. I can't see your shoulders broadening. You are going to have to lift weights to help achieve this.

Nor will peptides do what Human Growth Hormone will do. At best, peptides will help you achieve your maximum natural HGH production. It will not give you supraphysiological levels.

On a tangent, have you had your hormone levels checked? Do you have recent blood work that you can share?
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I didn't know they used palate expanders with adults. I know they are common with children as a Phase 1 orthodontic procedure. I also thought at best, you could hope for maybe 5mm of expansion. Will that make much of a difference for you?

As for the petides, I don't mean to burst your bubble, but I highly doubt they will do what you are hoping as it is very likely that you have completed puberty at your age and your bones have fused. I can't see your shoulders broadening. You are going to have to lift weights to help achieve this.

Nor will peptides do what Human Growth Hormone will do. At best, peptides will help you achieve your maximum natural HGH production. It will not give you supraphysiological levels.

On a tangent, have you had your hormone levels checked? Do you have recent blood work that you can share?

They do, obviously It's not as responsive as in children though. 5mm is better than nothing, and would make a difference.

No bubble to be burst, I am aware of that I'm just desperate. I've been lifting weights for 6 + years, building muscle still doesnt hide my poor bone structure.

I see, I would opt for HGH but I don't have access to it or the money, but if that's the case I guess i'll have to find a way.

I was just going to give peptides a shot and hope for some increase in bone mass (after long term use), but if not I figured It would at least perhaps help with minor nagging injuries + fatique and perhaps some help with building muscle.

I've had GH and test lvls checked, test normal, GH very borderline low but within normal range. It was more the past hormone levels that were an issue, levels are normal now but the damage has been done.