ghrp6 vs sermorelin


New member
hey guys im have trouble trying to tell the diffrence between the two. they both said to provide stimulation of the pituitary gland to increase productions of growth hormone and an increase in the production of Insulin-Like Growth Factor. i dont get it am i wronge here? what the hell is the difrence?
Juced Porkchop made an article with a bunch of good info:

GHRP6 stands for "Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide-6" basically it stimulates the natural HGH level.

Sermorelin is a growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and also increases production of growth hormone and stimulates GH secretion - just not in the exact same way as a GHRP.

It's very common to stack a GHRP with a GHRH because there is a synergy and the net effect is better than if they were done individually.

Another common GHRH is CJC-1295 w/o DAC (sometimes called CJC-1293 and/or GRF (1-29)). The naming can be confusing and I'm not sure you will ever get a straight answer as to why. In any event, your GHRH can be stacked with GHRP-2/GHRP-6 for that synergistic effect. In my book Sermorelin does the same thing as CJC-1295 w/o DAC.

There are a bunch of threads that you can read and see what is commonly combined. For example there is also CJC-1295 w/DAC, Hexarelin and Ipamorelin ... plenty to read on these should you be interested. Some are longer acting, some have other effects, e.g., less effect on cortisol & prolactin levels ...
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