Gimme a break...................

Been there, done that. Slin pins as well as juice pins. Sucks. Usually happened when I was in a rush. Have done it 3 or 4 times over the years. Always felt like a dumbass, now I dont feel as bad LOL
Been there done that. You put the cap on at an angle, the needle caught on the wall, started bending as you applied pressure, and poked through. I do the scoop method too, or grab the cap by the end, so even if it pokes through, it won't stab me. :p

What's worse is when you get a needle to bend like that while it's in you. ;) That's why I try to avoid glute pins at all costs. I get a cramp from reaching back and twisting (Yeah, working on flexibility), so I'll just jam that bastard in. I guess I came in at an angle, of course the wife was talking to me, and next thing I know - syringe is sideways, with the needle all the way in. Luckily I didn't break it off, and only tore some skin. :wiggle:

If a genius like you can do it....then I don't feel so stupid :)
Damn jozifp... that reminds me of the last time I ran too much clen...

I was going to pin my ass... and between trying to reach around - and the clenbuterol shaking my hands so bad... my injection
was like a - "machine gun" :uzi: - before I sunk the needle in the right spot.... that son of a bitch - bleed so bad in all the misses, and I
had to finish my injection before I could clean up all the blood.

No reason to feel stupid... "just a gear-head bobo!" :flamingma
Yeah Man You Are Lucky Lol That Would've Sucked If It Broke Off
Been there done that. You put the cap on at an angle, the needle caught on the wall, started bending as you applied pressure, and poked through. I do the scoop method too, or grab the cap by the end, so even if it pokes through, it won't stab me. :p

What's worse is when you get a needle to bend like that while it's in you. ;) That's why I try to avoid glute pins at all costs. I get a cramp from reaching back and twisting (Yeah, working on flexibility), so I'll just jam that bastard in. I guess I came in at an angle, of course the wife was talking to me, and next thing I know - syringe is sideways, with the needle all the way in. Luckily I didn't break it off, and only tore some skin. :wiggle:
Damn, Man You Are Lucky It Didnt Break Off Lol