Global pharma? Does this look legit

Wtf? I get neg repped because you keep posting the same thing. Maybe you should get a life. I'm getting real tired of the childish behavior this week.
Does this look legit?

View attachment 560322

Hard to tell right

Hint hint: it came from the pharmacy with a dr's prescription - so yeah it is as legit as u can get, but you can't tell that just from a pic - if your source is legit, then the gear they provide will be too
Does this look legit?

View attachment 560322

Hard to tell right

Hint hint: it came from the pharmacy with a dr's prescription - so yeah it is as legit as u can get, but you can't tell that just from a pic - if your source is legit, then the gear they provide will be too

I can't tell, and I don't think that is from a doc. Send it over to me and I will properly test it for you and let you know if it's g2g in a few months.
Wtf? I get neg repped because you keep posting the same thing. Maybe you should get a life. I'm getting real tired of the childish behavior this week.

Bro just relax I've gotten negged by the trolls like 6 times and they call me a "buttmuncher" every time. Who even says that as an insult
Well if you don't mind paying $150 for a bottle of deca ($220 for primo) instead of the $45 u can get it for from a UGL,, well then getting it from a pharmacy with a script isn't that hard.. Other bonus is I can legally travel with my gear because it's in a medical bottle with my name and dr prescription listed on it.

As for proviron, tren, and some others though I have to go UGL