


What is the best kind of lifting gloves.....
What kind do you guys use....
lol, wear em with pride. if your lady doesnt like it, of course wear em. i will put sex before lifting any day my friend. when i used to wear gloves, I enjoyed my Harbinger gloves, they lasted the longest. Might as well get the ones with a wrist wrap, for added supoort when benching
It is often harder to grip and hold onto the same weight with gloves because they artificially increase the circumference of the bar.
It is often harder to grip and hold onto the same weight with gloves because they artificially increase the circumference of the bar.

they have foam peices to put over the bar to increase circumference. id go with those no?

imo gloves are put in the same catagory as belts. for the most part they do nothing but hinder strength. Sure they'll help you get some more weight or reps on the bar but they are doing you more of a disservice than anything else.
Gloves are gay.

I like my belt, though.. makes BB Military much less dangerous when you're trying to get those last couple of reps out on your last set.