Glycocyamine and Methyl donors


New member
Hey, it's been a while since I've posted.
Anyways... I was wondering if any of you knew of a good stack that contains Creatine, Glycocyamine (gaa) and methyl donors which apparently are
"betaine (trimethylglycine), dimthylglcine ("pangamic acid or Vitamin B15) or SAMe (S-adenosy1-L-Methionine)"
If any of those big words help haha... I just kinda copied that straight from the text.

I'm a noob to supplements, so an already made stack would be favorable, but if its simple enough i'm sure I can figure it out if none are available.. i'm sure there are some where though. Looking for a reputable online supplier, and brand/product.

I'm currently on plasamov and sportlabs whey, which i'm happy with but i'd like to see if the new glyco stack is all its hyped to be.

Sorry for the double post, just the lack of replies lead me to beleive something isn't specified in my earlier post and thus its not making sense.
If anything in my previous post needs to expanded upon please let me know.