Go and get blood work. Is it a cop out for an actual answer?

I agree that guys who have been doing this a while are in tune with their hormones that being said a newb that comes in and says I crashed my e2 I have gyno help and doesn't have blood work to prove anything I think the best route is to advise them to get blood work and know what's going on before advising them to take action.

My 02.c

this all the way has always been my thought
I get my labs done. But where I live we have to use a private labs that RIPS YOU OFF!!! Just for test,e2,cholesterol,GH serum its a couple hundred bucks. Obviously If i just did test & e2 that would probably be good enough...but thats over a hundred. But really for that price its still worth it. Peace of mind
Some good responses. Sounds like most of us are on the same page. Let me clarify I am not saying bloods are not needed or should not be done. I just wish we could take a look at the source of the question and consider if it is a newbie or a guy with some experience and respond accordingly. Most of the time the veterans will chime in and set it all straight. However sometimes a good guy with a solid question with good background information will get brushed aside because either the vets don't see it, or no one wants to go out on a limb and say. "You know, I've seen this guy around he's given some good advise before. He obviously knows enough to keep himself healthy for the last few years, maybe I'll tell him how I solved a similar issue.

I know we all have a big hearts and don't want to be involved in anyone's demise; but seriously anyone coming on here using this as the holy gospel in regards to a serious health concern probably deserves to be weeded out. Thin the herd a little you know:) I have a sick sense of humor. lol
Since I am new to all this stuff and really have no idea how my body responds yet, I am getting blood work done very frequently. Right now I am in the paranoid state and doing them every two weeks. Sure, it ends up being a little over $100 a month, but considering how much money some people spend on gear, it is a drop in the bucket...and I get to learn how my body works. It also allows me to fix problems before they go too far.

For example, I recently found out that taking joint supplements (standard glucosamine stuff) caused my fasting blood sugar level to rise by almost 30 points over the course of about 6 weeks. Yeah, I stopped taking them. Turns out my entire family (except my dad) became diabetic in their late 30s or early 40s. So some genetic trigger is tripped and suddenly the chance of becoming diabetic goes from rare to probable. That, of course, is with on your normal American diet. I am on a 3J diet and have almost followed it to a T. That is why I was so shocked when I went from the 80s to 110 in a scant 6 weeks.

My point? The price of blood work is worth it...just do it.
Since I am new to all this stuff and really have no idea how my body responds yet, I am getting blood work done very frequently. Right now I am in the paranoid state and doing them every two weeks. Sure, it ends up being a little over $100 a month, but considering how much money some people spend on gear, it is a drop in the bucket...and I get to learn how my body works. It also allows me to fix problems before they go too far.

For example, I recently found out that taking joint supplements (standard glucosamine stuff) caused my fasting blood sugar level to rise by almost 30 points over the course of about 6 weeks. Yeah, I stopped taking them. Turns out my entire family (except my dad) became diabetic in their late 30s or early 40s. So some genetic trigger is tripped and suddenly the chance of becoming diabetic goes from rare to probable. That, of course, is with on your normal American diet. I am on a 3J diet and have almost followed it to a T. That is why I was so shocked when I went from the 80s to 110 in a scant 6 weeks.

My point? The price of blood work is worth it...just do it.

At least you've got the reassurance that your blood is just fine when your joints are crumbling! :thumbsdow