New member
I've had good experiences in the past running 300mg test w/ 900mg deca. Ran some proviron at 50mg and never had a problem with libido etc
Joint relief at the age of 18 lmao
Bs bro, hes looking for an easy way to say blast but coming out to help for joint lol, 200mg deca would be a sufficient dose for joint relief
Joint relief at the age of 18 lmao
I like deca and what it can do for joints. But please research it. There are studies out there showing that deca can actually increase healing time from injuries.
The effect of local use of nandrolone decanoat... [J Invest Surg. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
It was only a matter of time when the "ologys infamous troll had to put his 2c of monopoly money in.
If you wanna pull the age card out again you wanker atleast get it right, for the record I'm 19 and TRT due to primary gonadism which TRT has made an insane impact on my life. If you hadn't told me your age and posted up pics I would have no other logical reason to assume by your posts that you are a fucking immature teen.
Yes I am treating this as a blast and cruise, my TRT has been dialed in after 9 months of up and down doses/frequencys etc and to be perfectly honest the only reason I am doing it now is because I want to see how deca works for joint relief, otherwise I would have done it in no earlier than 3 months from now. Yeah I could run no more than 200mg per week the get the joint relief, but fuck it, I can bump it up a little more to 300mg and get the added anabolic benefeits... Considering all that and the big fact that I know how to train and diet. Well. I also plan to compete on top of all this. I am also aware of the risks. But hey, we all know this about me at 'ology I don't speak unless I know what I am saying and I don't treat this like a game, unlike you, my health is a priority. Please man, don't try justify your own abuse, it's embarrassing for you to say the least.
How in the fuck would you know what ailment I may have. In my early days of training I used to go quite heavy on shoulders/dumbells, infact far too heavy and I believe that is why my shoulders give me a hard time even today. My front delts have always been very strong and developed and take over most pushing exercises, adjusting my training routine around is helping this along with adjustments on form. The deca I can only hope to help this. My joints feel quite stick as well, they always have. Fish oil doesn't agree with me at all.
My knees have been giving me problems after heavy mountain bike/trailing with the seat lower than it shoulder have and thus my knees got destroyed and are not fully healed. I plan on getting them checked out very soon, but if the deca helps the healing process, aids in pain and possibly reduce inflammation then fucking great, if not then life goes on and I will have to look at other methods if possible.
See, one of the many differences between me and you, is that instead of throwing insults when I disagree with a post, I'll sit down take the time to break it up and explain myself. And mind you, all in one post, not 3 consecutive posts each containing one sentence.
Maybe I'll post up a before and after pic just to shut you the fuck up, before/after of this blast and cruise bulking/cutter.
Bro with the knowledge u have at 18 and just wound up on trt a year ago or less seems kinda odd that u never ran a cycle before causing u to somewhat fuck your natural production, wtf researches aas at 16 or 17 if they dont consider one bit using, your full of shit kid, in a previous post last month u said u were gonna wait for awhile to blast, now u hop on the wagon and blast deca haha, dialed in your ai, I hope u wind up with deca dick and cry like a fuckin baby kid
Bro with the knowledge u have at 18 and just wound up on trt a year ago or less seems kinda odd that u never ran a cycle before causing u to somewhat fuck your natural production, wtf researches aas at 16 or 17 if they dont consider one bit using, your full of shit kid, in a previous post last month u said u were gonna wait for awhile to blast, now u hop on the wagon and blast deca haha, dialed in your ai, I hope u wind up with deca dick and cry like a fuckin baby kid
And I dont need a fuckin novel every post from u, your 18 bro, stop hatin on young guys doing aas when yourself wound up on trt cause of it u fuck, u can make every excuse u want saying it just happened but u are trying to beat around the bush doing inproper cycles young kid
it means I have to purchase empty sterile vials, empty out all my test into that because I need .5ml E3.5D.