Going to Cancun in 2 weeks. Anyone know a decent pharm & current legit brands in MX?

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Going to Cancun in 2 weeks. Anyone know a decent pharm & current legit brands in MX?

I used to go to mexico every couple months. I had my spot I knew was cool, and I knew all the current mx co.'s that were in business. That was back in the QV, Denkall days. Last time I went to my spot was about a year ago and it was pretty bare. I'm going to Cancun for the 1st time. From what I'm reading I need to go into downtown as far from tourist spots as possible. I even read somewhere that Walmart and Samsclub have gear down there. Which seemed pretty legit at 1st since they are both pretty big corperations and would prob only sell real gear. But then the more I thought about it. It's techniquely illegal for a pharm to sell gear without a perscription in MX. Most of them just do it anyway. But my thinking about a big corp having to only sell legit product goes out the window if they're okay with selling it illegally without a script. So anyway, has anyone here been down there and can recomend a good pharmacy to go to? Thanks guys
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