Going tostart helladrol cycle next week!


New member
this is what I'm thinking about, hows the dosing and times look?

1-6 Helladrol 50/75/75/100/100/100
50- 1 morning 1 night
75- 2 am 1 pm
100- 2 am 2pm
with food
take krill oil am too should i take a krill oil at night aswell?

-2-7, cycle assist, pre cycle two weeks before as well,
8- 4 am 4 pm
few hours after first hdrol, then few hours after pm hdrol

1-6 derma
4 pumps am, on abs and maybe arms

5-10 hcgenerate
4 pills- 2am 2pm,,can i take this at the same time i take hdrol?

3-10 forma stanzol
12 pumps- 6 am 6 pm, on chest?

7-10 forged post cycle
2 pills- 1 am 1pm with food

7-10 daa power chews
6 pills, 3 before workout, 3 after dinner

7-10 clomid 50/25/25/25
leaning more to at night

any help on what you have done/heard about when i should take all these would be helpful.
so stoked to give this all a try!!
Take 75mg from day. 1. Up that clomid dose quite a bit.

Hcgenerate starting day 15. Start the AI from day 1 too.

its my first ever pro hormones or cycle so ima start at 50 to just see how i react.
What do you recommend as my climid dose?
I only have 1 bottle of hcgenerate and would rather have it going into my pct, so starting it then makes it last throughout.
and run forma from day 1?
looks pretty good I'd start hgenerate middle week two keep us updated on how this goes.if you can even better start a log here so we can follow along and offer support