Good article on HIgh and Low E symptoms (not just regurgitated list)


New member
This might be a repost but I really liked this guys article. In particular his final bit of advice of when in doubt go high because low E is the worse of the tow. Besides not regurgitating the same lists he also didn't just hammer away in the whole article about going to get labs checked like I'm sure all the wannabe authorities on here will respond with. Here's the link:


If I'm not allowed to post links to articles well then I'm sorry and you can delete my post.
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This might be a repost but I really liked this guys article. In particular his final bit of advice of when in doubt go high because low E is the worse of the tow. Besides not regurgitating the same lists he also didn't just hammer away in the whole article about going to get labs checked like I'm sure all the wannabe authorities on here will respond with. Here's the link:


If I'm not allowed to post links to articles well then I'm sorry and you can delete my post.

Sad to say its not, Try copying and pasting the post.
Funny to me because this rookie post had one of my fav rookie lines in it. The one where the OP tries to guide people to what they want to hear. "Wanna be authorities" is a bit aggressive I think. Let's say someone said please don't guess what your estrogen is, gets labs and be sure. This site is about safe usage and safest way is to get labs. Yet OP says if ya say that then you're a "wanna be authority". I respect the argument that one can gauge a ballpark estrogen level based on symptoms if you were properly educated. But I couldnt fault a "wanna be authority" if they begged the user to get labs and remove all doubt. Personally I try to feel for the right ai dose. I don't back my cycles with lab work......but I can respect the hell out of those who do. I know the risk I am taking and I know that it could mean more than a great set of tits if I'm wrong. But again SELF DIAGNOSIS AND ANALYSIS IS NOT THE SAFEST WAY TO GET THROUGH A CYCLE AND AS SUCH IS NOT THE ADVICE ONE WILL GET ON THIS SITE.
So funny? me it is. Just like when the 18 year old comes on and says "domt tell me tren is a bad idea or that I am too young". Hahahahahahahhahahahah.....tren is a bad idea and you are too young pal.
So funny? me it is. Just like when the 18 year old comes on and says "domt tell me tren is a bad idea or that I am too young". Hahahahahahahhahahahah.....tren is a bad idea and you are too young pal.

Man if i had a dollar for every younger man that has asked me if its ok to do tren first time around, and just that. no test, no ai, no hcg, just tren. I could retire and live a life of luxury. the saddest part of that is that those numbers will only grow as this world seeps deeper and deeper in our youths lives with every teen wanting to do gear to look good.