Has Anyone Experience High Test but LOW Estradiol


New member
I went to get some blood work done to check my test and estrogen levels due to having symptoms of high or low estradiol. I got my results back to today and was kind of shocked...

Test level 4422 (348 - 1197)
Estradiol 11.0 (25.8 - 60.7)

I'm stopping the AI as of today and was recommend to take bone broth protein, flaxseed, sesamee seed, grapefruit and soy milk for at least 3 mos to see an improvement.

Is there anything else that can be done. I'm on a 250 x 2/ week cycle of test E only. Not sure why I'm so high, currently on week 7.
whats up man.. damn that test is high!

what was your ai dosage? completely stopping it is not good either!
I'm on Test E 500mg/ week....

Yeah I figured stopping completely wouldnt be good. Maybe if I just bump it down to 250/ week.
500mg week is way outside TRT. 200mg wk test cyp had me just over 1500. multiplied by 2.5 gives 3,750. If there is low aromatization = low E values, my guess is not as much injected test is being aromatized and yoir body reading low E may have stimulated your HPTA.

LH and FSH levels would shed more light on it.
Reduce your AI, and redo your blood work until you get dialed in. I would take half the dose of your current AI protocol and see where that puts you at.